Surveillance Cameras Rolling During Tornado

Wow, it is really incredible to watch the windows have light and a second later they are dark as night and then everything explodes... just crazy!
I see the bank is down the road from the Hwy 57 curve in town, I was at that curve late that night and saw nothing but rubble so Im assuming the bank was demolished as well considering the area of town it was located in.
I just saw that Parkersburg bank footage on the 10:00 news. Wow. That video has to seriously dissuade a few people who thought it might be okay to ride out a tornado above-ground, I'd say.

Sticking with the title-theme, here's a security cam view of that WEDGE west of Greeley, CO the other week. I just found this on Youtube a few minutes ago; has anyone has posted it here on ST yet?

I am not sure I have ever seen such graphic wedge-footage. Very scary, as this was only a few miles from family we have there.
That bank video is really scary. One may not have a lot of time to take cover. Someone commented on the TV station website that he showed his kids the video to stress the importance of taking cover during a tornado warning. This video should be part of training for tornado awareness.

Bill Hark
Not too many EF5's come without warning... This one had 20-30 minutes of lead time and was well covered by TV mets.
I just saw that Parkersburg bank footage on the 10:00 news. Wow. That video has to seriously dissuade a few people who thought it might be okay to ride out a tornado above-ground, I'd say.

Sticking with the title-theme, here's a security cam view of that WEDGE west of Greeley, CO the other week. I just found this on Youtube a few minutes ago; has anyone has posted it here on ST yet?

I am not sure I have ever seen such graphic wedge-footage. Very scary, as this was only a few miles from family we have there.

Did you see the car alarm starting to go off as the tornado approached? LOL
Bank Camera Catches Footage Inside Parkersburg Tornado

I haven't seen anyone post this yet, so here's some rather amazing stuff:

CNN has some amazing video up from a security camera inside the First State Bank of Parkersburg as the tornado hit a few weeks ago. You can see the transformers blowing outside just before the windows blow in. The sheer violence of the thing is amazing.

Here is the footage
They also have footage on KCCI's website of the ATM's security camera. You can see a house start to disintegrate in the tornadic inflow winds.
The last tornado that was this strong occured 30 years ago. Clearly just as bad as the Greensburg EF5 if not worse.
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