Supercell from aerial perspective

wow thanks for the post - you must have been thinking "God what on earth...."
I was in this and it was just as impressive seeing dual tornados start up - needless to say it will probably never happen to me again

I took this on May 16, 2003 as I was flying to Dallas, Texas. It was in eastern Texas or eastern Oklahoma. I only saw one other decent supercell that year. I wish I had my still camera instead of a high-res still from my video camera (TRV-900).

I would much rather be on the ground watching this tornadic supercell but this is an interesting viewpoint.

Bill Hark
Yes, nice arial views of a supercell. You would wish you were still on the ground able to chase. :D

I flew out DFW around 3pm on the 5th June and got a good view of the cumulus towers on the dry line. Was just a bit early for the cb's. :(
Still, it was interesting to see the dry line.

Airline pilots who fly through those Panhandle areas on a daily basis must see some great sights.
Hi all,

I would have liked to be on the ground watching the beast but since that was merely possible, I enjoyed this view for what it was worth. The reason we were able to get this view is because the flight was later than other usual flights we have taken in the past.

I like the pic you posted as well Bill and the other link as well - downright awesome!!

Gotta like supercell power and structure.


Jimmy Deguara
Fabulous pics.

I too have been fortunate enough to see a supercell from the air, very rare for New England where I saw it on my way back from my very first Plains chase vacation. I have to say it's an awesome and humbling experience. There was a crystaline quality to the air that gave the whole thing an almost dreamlike feel, quite different from the in-your-face reality of supercells encountered on the ground.
Wow Jimmy! much better than the ones I took near Brisbane from the plane. So, since you were on a plane, I take it you are back in Australia then? I just missed you in Sydney; was there the weekend of May 28th.