Latest pics mainly from the US 2005 season

Feb 27, 2004
Hi all,

We know this US season lacked tornadoes overall but I would not give it up altogether! The structures observed were amongst the best I have ever seen and had me almost melting in astonishment.

My apologies for any of the slightly out of focus images but in some cases I had to include them since they were the only samples.

Some of my personal favourites on the trip!!



Jimmy Deguara
Wow! What a pics album...! :shock: :shock: Congratulations!
Hi all,

I am glad you appreciate the structures offered by this season. I enjoyed being out there once again this year!! And it was great to meet so many of the chasers out there.


Jimmy Deguara

Question here in regards to the following photograph of the HP supercell from the 31st May 2005 event.

This photograph for those that saw it was taken when the storm was generally east of Hereford. Any ideas of what happened (if anything) with this particular stage of the supercell.

Excellent photos Jimmy. It was good seeing you at that Dairy Queen after the May 13th Texas Supercell.

hope to see you down under some time.

Those are absolutely beautiful pics, Jimmy. I really love the pic with the RFD clear slot and the interesting terrain in the foreground. I'd love to see something so photogenic. Good work. :)

Excellent photos Jimmy. It was good seeing you at that Dairy Queen after the May 13th Texas Supercell.

hope to see you down under some time.


Brian were you at Dairy queen too that night? Do you remember of me(the two italian storm chasers?) I met Jimmy and other english chasers
Hey Andrea,

Yeah I remember you. What a great meeting that was. What a great storm that was. Kicken.... Are you still out? Have you ran out of money and gone home yet?

Hope all is well and good to hear from you.

Hey Andrea,

Yeah I remember you. What a great meeting that was. What a great storm that was. Kicken.... Are you still out? Have you ran out of money and gone home yet?

Hope all is well and good to hear from you.


Glad to hear from you!
Yes unforgettable day and nice end of the trip in dairy queen (I remember the old woman :D )
I stayed only for 20 days, I ran out of money and went back to Italy on may the 17th...You don't know how much I miss the Plains.

Hope to make a chase with you all guys :wink:

Gabe, yes that photograph I think you are suggesting was in the Badlands, South Dakota. It was commented on by quite a few chasers about the sceic views and it was one of the reasons I stopped there. A tornado should have dropped but never did despite the obvious rotation. It was an excellent storm and then a squall line came through and swallowed the supercell - all caught on video!

Brian and Andrea, I was absolutely shocked to have stopped at a Dairy Queen and meet up with you guys as well as the English crew! It is great to feel part of the storm chasing community. The storms were great too!!

Feel free to visit here in Australia - but don't expect tornadoes:)


Jimmy Deguara

Brian and Andrea, I was absolutely shocked to have stopped at a Dairy Queen and meet up with you guys as well as the English crew! It is great to feel part of the storm chasing community. The storms were great too!!

Feel free to visit here in Australia - but don't expect tornadoes:)


Jimmy Deguara

Thanks Jimmy
If I'll go in Australia I'll let you know! When I'll come we'll have an F5 :D