Some more I thought of as I was waiting bored for my students to finish the marathon departmental Cal II final today.
Google Chaser - My own term for the academic bunch opposing the Yahoo Chaser. They like to know all of the information possible, and they have the setup in and on top of their vehicle to prove it. I know this one's probably been termed before, but I can't find that old thread.
Yoohoo Chaser - Like Quagmire at a night club, this chaser, whatever the setup philosophy is, is happy with everything on a not-totally-bust chase. They'll drive 2000 miles to, around and from Southern Oklahoma and return honestly satisfied - even after the gas money evaporates - after seeing structure and large hail from one storm. Even considers busts "learning experiences." Myself included.
Vampire Chaser - Has problems sleeping, so when storms roll through late-night that don't pose a serious threat, they'll hop in to do some local spotting at four in the morning and don't mind in the least that the sun is rising when they return, just to pass the time more than anything. Also favored as drivers because they can head back home late at night while all the normal folks sleep. Guess who's one of these?
Pigpin Chaser - You know the type. Their car hasn't been washed since the end of last Spring, old school papers are so piled up in the backseat that he can't take more than one person along, and always has to take a minute to "clean" the front seat to fit you in. Guilty as charged.
Optimist Chaser - Says "and hey, we'll return with five tornadoes and hippopotamus-sized hail!" even though the setup calls for a smaller event. Usually done tongue-in-cheek to lift spirits.
Howard Cosell chaser - I think I had this in the earlier chaser terms thread. Their videos have tons of excited play-by-play style commentary.
Pessimist Chaser - Will call off a high risk because of one questionable parameter. Usually a temporary term to almost all of us when a good local setup happens and we have to work.