There are a plethora of instances where the chaser community has done everything in its power to police its self when someone acted as a fool. Chasers have lost support, chase partners, brokers, and support for being overly reckless or ignorant. I would not say I was creatively reinterpreting the fact that the chaser community does try to police its self and ostracizes those who are a problem. Once again, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill with my statement and over simplifying the option. Answering a point blank question with a response with a statement that is no-comment, silence, or an obvious attempt to dodge by just repeating the answer to a previous statement are all equally bad and any reporter worth their salt would notate in the story that I would not comment on what the community does when witnessing one of its members misbehaving.
Now lets look at what I said. ""Anytime there is a chaser that is our there acting foolish, they will be ostracized by the community at large and we do a pretty good job of bringing the hammer down on our own people." Tell me where I made something up or creatively reinterpreted what actually happens in that statement. I have seen chases come down extremely hard on idiots in our ranks. While yes it is true that our self policing has its limits but that does not change the fact that we do police ourselves as much as we can and, at times, do so harshly.
You are correct, I did not get paid to participate in that interview. I do not see what the harm was in talking to the media about this. I felt that when the station approached me that, in this specific incident (one where a problem did not really exist until the sheriff made it into one), it would not cause any extra harm. The chaser community has been beaten up for a long while with these stories and not once has any chaser ever been interviewed about the issue. Got a real issue with what I said on camera? Fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn't mean I wont try to defend what I said as I do stand behind it.
Furthermore, what is the point of doing anything that doesn't turn an income? What's the point of doing and interview or hosting a weekly web talk show? Surely there are more things that make doing something worth doing or not pointless to do other than whether or not it makes you money.