Storm chaser arrested in Texas

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Warren pointed out the incident in Briscoe County, Texas last year. It may be important to note that Crane Count, Texas is a very similar type county. Extremely rural, very small population, very small town as the county seat. They are very similar and very many ways. There are only 5 people per square mile in that county.
I wonder if Mr Barnes had a lightbar? Some officers I know don't particularly like them, stating that they can be a "traffic hazzard", although, none of the ones I know are not located in TX.... just a thought.
My encounters with cops have always been great too, but it seems like chasers have been screwed with more frequently over the last couple years.
I know it would get me in trouble, but I just refuse to show somebody respect that doesn't show me any. Cop or not, respect is a two way street. If he wasn't violating a law being parked there, the cop was wrong, plain and simple. I don't think you should bend over just because it's a cop. Wrong is wrong... doesn't matter who they are. I really hope this deal gets blown out of proportion down there because otherwise I can't see the cop getting in any trouble unless their is overwhelming evidence against him. Even then he'll probably just get a slap on the wrist and he'll do the exact same thing the next time he feels like, but he'll be more careful to cover his tracks when he does it again (if he's smart).
Brian just posted on WX-CHASE with more details. Sounds like it comes down to the cop asked him to move and Brian refused (which is not an offense) and the cop didn't take too kindly to that.

I'm guessing the cop has never had somebody say "No" and he couldn't figure out what to do :)

I still would have moved...but then again I don't want to spend time in jail and spend my money on courts even though I may be right.

Oh yeah...forgot...just for David.

--> Lightbars <--
Sorry David ... I deleted that too quick. Between patrol, parking habits, chasers hanging out of windows, chase tours, and now lightbars, this thread has EVERYTHING. It is a dream come true for anyone needing reading material. So yes, I think we should all make our predictions for how long it will go.

Welcome to The Perfect Thread.

Someday we will all talk about where we were when it happened.
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When I worked as a newspaper journalist, I was "detained" and threatened with everything from "felony obstruction" to physical violence. Within 24 to 48 hours, I received an apology. The best thing to do is always remain calm and don't say or do anything stupid. Resisting arrest, even if you did nothing, is serious and can be easily molded into "assaulting a police officer." At best, make sure there are witnesses, or leave your video camera rolling or make a quick cell call with an open line to someone who can hear what is going on.


Edit... well if he was told to move and did not, then he had it coming.
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I suspect this is going to get a much wider viewing audience in the near future. Having read Brian's account (and recognizing that there are two sides to every story), Brian probably got the short end of the stick on this one -- I'm sure time will tell -- it's a good thing he got it all on video.
Can I just point out that Brian Barnes is NOT a driver for SilverLining Tours – and Brian has had no association with STL what so ever for a number of years now –

That web page link that was posted is an old link – current Drivers / Guides can be found on the correct link here -->

Again I stress that Brian is nothing to do with SLT in any shape or form.

Mods – can you please correct that post please as it is misleading.
Can I just point out that Brian Barnes is NOT a driver for SilverLining Tours – and Brian has had no association with STL what so ever for a number of years now –

That web page link that was posted is an old link – current Drivers / Guides can be found on the correct link here -->

Again I stress that Brian is nothing to do with SLT in any shape or form.

Mods – can you please correct that post please as it is misleading.

I would think the best thing to do would be to have Dave or whoever runs the website to take that page down. If anyone googles Brian Barnes, his SLT bio will come up eventually.

I wouldn't be so defensive, he did nothing wrong and hey - it's free advertising ;)

I should start a pool on how long it'll take for the charges to get dropped. Winner takes 50% of the money, and the rest will go to Brian to help pay for his defense. Any takers? :cool:

EDIT: I googled "Brian Barnes Storm Chaser" and his SLT bio page was the 6th link on the first page!