Spring is in the air

Overall, our winter hasn't really been that bad here in New York City. Only one significant snow event which took place back on Feb 22nd, and that's about it! Got about 6 inches out of that one, and temps overall have been very bareable. I can only recall 2 or 3 days total this whole winter where we dropped into the teens..not bad! But, I don't want to get too ahead of myself with pretty much ALL of March ahead of us. Lots can still happen.

Still though, here it is 5:45 in the evening, and it's still nice and light outside! It's enough to get me excited about spring, I don't neccesarily need the warm temps, lol. Actually, doesn't day light savings start insanely early this year?? Should be coming up soon, correct?

Record high was broken here in Denver today. Old record was 73, and the temp hit 74 at 1:54pm MT. First day of 2008 for shorts, t-shirts, and a spin on the mtn bike.

Oh Patrick, wasn't it fantastic! You could find me wearing shorts all day long ... and oh those margaritas were fantastic! Too bad that about three in the morning, the wind shifted and everything went bat-**** crazy.
It's a miracle! We managed to breach the 60° mark today! Man, you southerners don't know how good this feels. A warm day after a long, brutal winter is one hell of a natural high!
Our first thunderstorm of the year in Green Bay! The foot of snow on the ground is melting fast and furious now. It would be nicer if I didn't know in the back of my head that more cold weather and snow are on the way.
South/East of here gets 6-10" of snow and we go by unscathed (like usual) with temperatures in the mid-upper 40's expected this afternoon. But hey, I don't mind!

But speaking of Spring, anybody looking at the GFS models for the middle part of next week? A little wishcasting, but maybe Spring is really in the air... or if not it at least will be for real in 2 weeks according to the calendar.
Well, it's supposed to get to about 75 here today, along with the wind blowing like crazy. I suppose that's as good a start to spring as anything.

Well, forget what I said about 75 degrees being a good start to spring. :(

Today it looks like this...

While im sitting here in Tulsa waiting on a major winter storm im thinking that next week could get interesting in N TX. This is for per the 156hr GFS.


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