Darrin Rasberry
The articles mention "upto" or "maximum" as the amounts for tickets. I've been chasing a while, and got a few tickets (or others I've chased with) and there never that high. Plus, places like Texas, if you your really nice to the officer, they might even tell you how to avoid points and reduce the fine. I've never paid more than $150 for a ticket while chasing (well usually I get them when I'm not chasing).
On the otherhand, Florida, where I lived for a while is the worst state for speeding tickets. Not because of the cost, but because they are so disorganized down there, you may pay two or three times and still not have the ticket cleared. Arrrg. Glad I don't live there anymore.
Jason Foster, N3PRZ
Texas is my homestate, and it's rumored they have mandates on numbers of tickets they have to give, leading to a lot of "nice" officers giving so-called "one-over tickets" where they write you a ticket for one mile over the speed limit if you're under ten miles over. Both of the speeding tickets I've ever received have been "one-overs" even though in one case he explicitly said I was doing 80 in a 70. I was much younger then and have been nervous about speeding since