Slippery Kansas mud ice

I had trouble once in between Ark City and Newkirk back in 2002 when trying to turn around after seeing the muddy road wasn't such a good idea. It reminded me to quit driving dirt road.

The other time I tried a gravel road was east of Mulvane leaving my aunt and uncle's place (5 miles E of Mulvane). They weren't home, but saw the first tornado as I got back to the car. Could not go north (I wanted to get back home to see a radar) because I would have been close to getting cored. I decided to go east on a gravel road about a mile until the previous storms moisture made the road uncomfortable, more in the rut sense than the slippery sense. If I hadn't turned back, I would have missed some of the most destructive tornado's duration (the tornado known as the Mulvane tornado). I ended up going south on an asphalt road out of the storm's path and watched the whole duration of that tornado.

Sometimes it works out.
going pr coming from Lawrence. KS

Once I was either going or coming from Lawrence and going up the hill up East towards Olathe ( k-10 or is it 7) when I hit "black ice." I was heading towards the south ditch when I righted myself and cruised on.
I remember that vividly.

Watch for that black ice whereever you are during the winter especially late at night on dark icy roads