Tony Laubach
Sure, I understand what you're saying. If they drove blindly in there with an ongoing EF4 and maxed-out couplet, they would deserve every bit of criticism coming. And they may still depending on what evidence emerges. But based on what I've seen so far, their position didn't seem entirely unreasonable for someone of their experience level. They were southeast of a northeast-moving meso that hadn't even produced yet, and from Quincy's video, it appeared that there was *some* visibility. The main point of contention is that some wouldn't put a tour group in the notch of an HP under any circumstance, which I see as the main point of disagreement.
And BTW I didn't mean to look as if I was singling you out Tony, this thread has gone viral with similar opinions expressed elsewhere and I felt the need to address the overall counter argument.
No singling out taken. This is a hot topic, deservingly so. And I'm just hopeful we start taking lessons from these incidents as they are on the increase, not only in numbers, but in impact. And its very concerning to me that these high-impact incidents are happening to those with the experience and longevity in this activity.