Jade Vajna
Here's an article by one of the tour members that just came out: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weat...t-gonna-be-no-rematch/?utm_term=.22ee0d324626
It's interesting, and I guess not surprising, that he doesn't want to chase again. I was in the van on Cloud 9 when we got hit 5 years ago. It was my first year chasing. I had never seen a tornado until that day. I totally thought we were going to roll and I remember ducking down to cover my face but holding my camera over my head while it was still recording. Instead of deterring me, that experience solidified my love of severe weather and changed me forever. Not because I wanted to keep getting hit by tornadoes but because, kind of like how skydiving cured my tendency to worry too much, that experience left me feeling less afraid of leaving my comfort zone and trying new things. I followed my passion and it took me to a scary place, but I survived.. and it helped me grow as a person. Anyway, I’ve had 2 glasses of prosecco and it’s past 1am so I’m getting side-tracked and overly introspective.
My point is, if I had been on this tour, I would be one of the passengers defending the tour owners -and it wouldn’t stop me from chasing. I love it too much. Sh*t can and does happen, whether on a tour or not. It’s storm chasing, not a book club or collecting hockey cards. I’m not saying lessons shouldn’t be learned and that recklessness should be excused, but I think when regular society already judges us all for being “crazy” and “having a death wish” and all that, I think we should try and not cast so many stones at each other. We’re all in this glass house together.
Anyway, I just joined ST a couple weeks ago and this is my first post. Hello everyone!