Shameless Plug for Greensburg Presentation

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Mike Smith

On March 7th at 4:30pm, I will be presenting "Miracle at Greensburg," which is the story of how more than 200 lives were saved by the warnings of the Greensburg tornado. It tells, in a non-technical way, the story of how the tornado warning system developed, the roles chasers/spotters, NWS, and private sector played that night.

A couple of times in various postings I have mentioned research for a book manuscript that I hope will be published in 2010. The "Greensburg" presentation comes out of the research for that book. I believe any chaser who attends will have an enhanced appreciation for the important work we do.

The presentation is part of the Wichita Garden Show. More information here: and .

While my talk is free, there is an admission charge to the Garden Show. If anyone is interested, I hope you can attend.
Alright Mike!!! I look forward to attending this presentation. This will give me an excellent chance to get the wife out and about now that we've had our 2nd child. She will love it im sure:)
I will definitely put this in the date book. Do you have an idea of how long your presentation will run? If by chance I do not get to attend, is there anyway of you doing this (in a slightly more technical version) at the local AMS/NWA meeting?
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Wow, thanks for the great response! The presentation runs 30min. and they have asked me to allow 30 min. for Q and A.

Yes, I would be happy to do it -- at no charge -- for the local AMS chapter. I will make a similar offer to surrounding AMS/NWA chapters, provided they are willing to pay expenses. This would be my way of saluting the wider meteorological community. Assuming I can get my book published, I believe it will go a long way to getting meteorology (what I have often called "The Rodney Dangerfield of Sciences") the enhanced respect it so richly deserves.

Regretfully, cannot put "Greensburg" on Youtube, etc., because this presentation is directly based on research for my book for which I have spent a very considerable amount of money that I need to recoup.

If you do know of an organization looking for a professional speaker, my web site for that is: .
Wow....sounds like a great event.

If I didn't live halfway across the country now, I would be there in a front row seat. Even so, I'll be sure to tell my family back in Wichita about it and I'm sure they will want to hear Mike's talk and take in the garden show.

For those of you who may not know, Mike Smith had a great run as an on-air met in Wichita. He always talked straight to his audience - never talking down to them, but never over-simplifying, either. He was quite a respected presence in the community for years. It sounds like a cliche now, but when Mike Smith had something important to say about the weather, the people listened.

The night of the Greensburg tornado, I couldn't help but think of the tales of the spooky Udall tornado - which Kansans still speak about in hushed tones - and the tremendous advances in severe storm warnings since then. I can think of no other personality who best represents the progress of severe storms meteorology over the years, especially in central Kansas, than Mike Smith.

I wish you well on the progress of your book, Mike, and we are all fortunate to have you as a contributing member of Stormtrack.
That sounds like a great presention! Not sure if I can make it but I'm definitely going to try. Please give us all a heads up when the book is released.
Mike, I'm new to town, just moved in a few months ago, so I look forward to ensuring I make it to your presentation. It sounds like you are well respected in this field. Should be a lot to learn, good to learn.

I just returned from Century II and a technical run-through for tomorrow.

For those coming tomorrow, I wanted to let you know the speech is in the dead center of Expo Hall of the Century II complex.

From south to north you have the Hyatt, the "square" Expo Hall, and the "round" Century II building. It is the square building.

For those chasing, happy hunting and safe travels.

Otherwise, I'll see some of you tomorrow!