Sean Casey - VORTEX2

It has been my experience from years in television and trying to get Warnings published that the MSM (and I include book publishers and television producers in MSM) believes there needs to be a "villain" in everything.

It's an easy way to attract the masses, and it ties in somewhat with the concept of 'selling out'. I'm not saying you or Sean sold out - just that there are times where you might need to compromise the vision of your project to have it reach a wider audience (and make life easier by increasing revenue).

I don't have the numbers, but I guarantee Storm Chasers Season 1 had fewer viewers than this current season. The thrill of the hunt, and going up against mother nature was more than enough of a villain for me in S1 - but I can see how the average, non-chaser American would be dismayed by the lack of drama and real 'villains'. I sympathize with the cast of S1 when they bust, and I enjoy the lack of drama. I watch S4 to see tornadoes that I also saw and to get enraged when things are edited out of order or the coloring is messed with :D

edit: Ugh, I'm white-noising. Back to the topic - Sean, it's already been suggested that you hit up your FB-base and other places, and I'd second/umpteenth that suggestion. While Josh gets a little bit of ribbing for busting on some big days and for his 5/19 comments about chasers 'interfering', I think most people here assume he's a good guy if they haven't already met him. Most (all?) of us here on ST realize that just as the timeline and colors of a day can be messed around with, the dynamics between people can be as well, and that it wouldn't be prudent to treat 'Storm Chasers' the show as gospel. Thanks for taking the time to clear up this situation with everyone here.
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The thing about being on a reality show like SC is that it's probably hard to beat yourself up over anything you say -- they film almost every moment of your waking life, meaning that "private" comments in private situations become very public very fast. I can't imagine anyone has the self discipline to not say anything embarrassing at all, ever, for months straight.

V2 didn't have the most successful year (again), and so I guess Discovery decided that Wurman's best use would be as a foil for the other characters. I imagine if Wurman had a great year and Sean had a crap year with nothing much interesting of him on film, the editors would have spun it the other way, with Sean being the baddie.
i think the show is edited brilliantly, everything made sense to me through how the show was edited and I realized the position everyone was placed in. Definitely a shame that a vocal minority have reacted the way they have. Im sticking up for the editors of SC !! they do a great job at conveying what it's like to stormchase. ... I can relate to picking a target and missing the mark, getting frantic and excited, dissapointed, elated. I've only had a few chases and i can already relate. I like how the shows becoming more cinematic.
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i think the show is edited brilliantly, everything made sense to me through how the show was edited and I realized the position everyone was placed in. Definitely a shame that a vocal minority have reacted the way they have. Im sticking up for the editors of SC !! they do a great job at conveying the what it's like to stormchase.

You mean where they show the tornado, then the crew stops at a gas station and fights over beefsticks, and then they go back and see the same tornado, and people 75 miles away easily catch up to a storm moving almost that fast, but they're showing radar from earlier in the day in a different part of the state, and everything is tinted orange to make it more dramatic?

I'm not saying it didn't make for good TV, I'm just saying that if you were actually chasing that day the episodes could be confusing in parts. I think it's pretty well known that the producers/editors take some liberty with how they re-assemble the show with the footage they're provided, and while examples like my rant above are easy to pick out, it really leads you to wonder how much of the dialogue was done purely for dramatic effect. Some episodes were worse than others.
You mean where they show the tornado, then the crew stops at a gas station and fights over beefsticks, and then they go back and see the same tornado, and people 75 miles away easily catch up to a storm moving almost that fast, but they're showing radar from earlier in the day in a different part of the state, and everything is tinted orange to make it more dramatic?

That's pretty funny they could easily spin this into a sitcom.
i think the show is edited brilliantly, everything made sense to me through how the show was edited and I realized the position everyone was placed in. Definitely a shame that a vocal minority have reacted the way they have. Im sticking up for the editors of SC !! they do a great job at conveying the what it's like to stormchase.

I know what you mean. That's why I like Survivor, because it does an accurate job at conveying what it's like to live in Vanatu, South America, Fiji, or Australia. :rolleyes:
i think the show is edited brilliantly, everything made sense to me through how the show was edited and I realized the position everyone was placed in. Definitely a shame that a vocal minority have reacted the way they have. Im sticking up for the editors of SC !! they do a great job at conveying the what it's like to stormchase.

I think I detect a HINT of sarcasm here, but honestly, I'm not quite sure...
The other thing I've been reminding everyone about is.....All parties involved in this were under incredible stress to produce when all this went down. I work in the media, and we produce a daily national show. Sometimes we snap and bark at each other, BUT we've been together for 16 years now. We know to not hold it against one another when you FREAK on someone.

Josh Wurman and Sean Casey (and Reed too) are all under a mother load of pressure to produce during a set number of weeks, and it is something they have little control over. That normally causes people to say and do things they may wish they had handled differently later. Unfortunately, if you happen to also have a freaking reality tv crew filming everything......You guys get my point.

Sean, advice from a total stranger......Just keep trying to "do the right thing" and it will all work out.
Thank you Sean for the clarification and I am guessing people get too wrapped up in soundbytes and clips forgetting the TV show will edit things to portray a story in the way they see fit. That of course is not always entirely accurate. Either way we all make mistakes out of emotion and in the heat of the moment. We are just human after all. In the end I hope it will inspire discussion on how to handle chaser convergence.
Well done, Sean. Well done.
If possible, I'd encourage you to get the driving incident out of the forefront of your mind, it's over and done with. No blood was shed, and the whole subject has been beaten to death many times over. I'm the guy who wayyy back in the day would sometimes have to put one hand over an eye just to make the drive home from the saloon at night. I think the TIV's infraction was a lot less aggregious than that. It's over and done with, Sean....let 'er go. My sincere thanks for your post. Joel Ewing
This has to be the most 'thanked' single post on here - lol

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