Scariest storm images.

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date

Mike Hollingshead

While working on some images tonight I noticed I now have my most scary storm image, hands down and was wondering about others people might have or seen(url to someone elses). Got any truly scary storm images?

I figured we all love the worst of the worst when it comes to storms so I'm going to post this larger image. My dad was quick to point out the aligator head shape on the right side(tail cloud)...perhaps more of a croc. I've stared at this image for quite a while tonight and wondered a lot. I'm wondering if I'll ever see such a nightmare'ish storm scene again. Also wondering if I'm going to have a nightmare tonight now, being chased by the tornado and the croc head.

I found this whole video sequence probably to be someone who doesn't like tornadoes' worst nightmare...


Yeah, and I called in the Lubbock NWS and reported it as "scary looking clouds", lol... :lol:


This was the large HP beast on 5/13/05 late in its lifecycle. All I could think was what on earth did uneducated (meteorology-wise) people think?

Same with this storm from 2002 (nature's equivelent to the ships from ID4:

I didn't have a digital camera until this year, so all my pictures are from 2005. For some reason they appear grainy when you view them from the web host. They look fine when I look at them in My Pictures. I don't know what the deal is. You will have to click on the picture to see an enlarged image. I would like to post nice big pictures like Aaron and Mike, but last time I tried that the picture ended up being about three times the size of the page and I would feel like a jerk if everyone had to scroll from side to side to read the posts on this thread.

This was a wall cloud from the Kent county "tornado machine".


This is a picture from yesterday in Reno county Kansas and is a view of the updraft base shortly before it produced a tornado and several funnels. It would scare me if I wasn't a storm chaser.


This is the meso from the tornadic supercell in Jefferson county South Dakota on June 7.


This was a shelf cloud illuminated by lightning as it came rolling into Wichita. I took the picture from my driveway.


And finally, this was taken in the Oklahoma panhandle a couple of weeks ago. I can't recall the date.

I don't want to enter any of my own - but when the word "scary" and "storm" are said in the same sentence together - there's only one image that instantly comes to my mind:


As Bobby's caption states: "Run away!"

Nice one, Bobby.
