Scariest storm images.

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date

Was actually pretty cool to watch come in, but I couldn't help but wonder what everyone else in the town was thinking when they saw this coming.
Mike H

that has to be one of the coolest looking tornado photos ive ever seen

Thanks, but I must argue, lol. Your avatar amazes me! Who shot that? You? Is that a still or vid grab? I'd really like to see that video.

And since Karen doesn't want to post any of her own I will.


Karen's Manchester SD torando.

Linked from That is one of the best tornado images out there and quite amazing, not to mention scary.
My avatar is from last years roanoke illinois F4 tornado, the photo was taken while it was striking the parsons plant down there

Links to the event

link to the photo

Scott Smith and Steve Smedley should be credited with the photos

this storm pretty much saved northeast illinois from any violent weather that day. We did get some great mammatus however

CAPE values over most of illinois were 6000+j/kg, some places over 7000

just another nw to se moving supercell producing a violent tornado here in illinois. The other notable one was a few miles to the east and produced the plainfield F5

June 13, 2004 near Allouez, WI. This storm never produced any severe weather, but I'll bet it scared a lot of people. This was reported as a tornado to a local TV station, whose met quickly set the record straight.

See this page for more photos.
:) Mike H
When I first saw this pix it brought back those memories of how terrified I was of tornados as a child. It was this type of tornado that sent me screaming and crying into my bedroom and hiding under the covers.
I think the backlighting plays a big role in how scary they look. A bright back ground makes the storm look jet black and evil.
A few examples of this can be seen on the first few pix on my webpage:

Hi all,

Nice scary pics. Imagine what people think when they see something like these coming along or hear the warnings! I recall one of the visiting locals wandering what to do - he wanted to visit Fredericks SW Oklahoma June 5th 2005 but there was a tornado warning on the storm!!

Not such a scary image of mine taken from west of Sydney Australia but something that stuck out and made me rethink being out of the car! This was a video still and you could not with the naked eye know this was occurring! Like a spider web - now someone had a better clearer one from this season here in the US.



Jimmy Deguara
Approaching wall cloud near Holdrege (later spawned a series of brief tornadoes that skipped through central Nebraska for a good 30 miles):


Gust front (boy, they sure can look creepy!):


BTW, are you selling prints of that shot, Mike?
Here's the scariest ones I've seen in the last couple years. The pictures do not do justice to what this line of severe storms looked like in person. The sun was still up in the sky when this moved in as you can see in the first image, but once we drove underneath the initial line it became black as night. The sky looked like the clouds produced by those alien ships on the movie Independance day.




Link to SPC event:
I've always liked these for my favorite scary shots. Goes to show that it's not always the tornadoes that produce the cool and/or scary images...although that picture of the F4 in IL sure is pretty frightening!!

5/27/01, north of Sublette KS: The big Haboob:

5/29/01, near Turkey TX: Mega mothership. I can only imagine what locals thought when they saw this on the western horizon! I wish I had some kind of foreground...that would have made this a sweet shot. Alas, the TX panhandle isn't known for "foregrounds". :D

5/20/99: E. of Amarillo, My first real panhandle mothership.
Dave, I’ve long thought of that HP from the 29th of May 2001 as the scariest looking storm I’ve ever seen photos of. It would be terrifying seeing that heading for your town!

Although tame compared to some of the awesome photos posted here, the scariest looking storm I’ve seen here in Australia was this one in March 2003.


It later moved on to look like this at sunset. My parents took this shot and said it was the scariest looking storm they had ever seen.


Dave Ellem
When I was young I always thought the scariest storm image was that 1960's-era pic of a shelf cloud approaching an air base in either Florida or Big Spring, Texas (not sure which). I have no idea if it's on the web, but it was used on the front cover of Nigel Calder's "The Weather Machine" (1972ish) and I've seen it here and there elsewhere.
Mike H

that has to be one of the coolest looking tornado photos ive ever seen

Thanks, but I must argue, lol.

The reason all those pictures from that chase account look so awsome/cool, is because the storm structure is practically textbook example. I've never seen structure that amazing, almost flawless, to be honest.

Here are some of my scary pictures...the first two are the clouds that have been dubbed, CB Mammatus, or Lenticular Mammatus...I know they are not severe weather producers, but they look pretty scary, lol.



Pictures Taken From Some News Website In Joplin, MS.