Scanner Antenna

Brandon Headley

I had a quick question about scanner antennas. I was searching around ebay for a mag mount and stumbled upon a suction cup antenna. I was wondering if anyone has used one? It come with two suction cups and stays on the inside of the vehicle. I figure I could stick it to the back window and leave my handheld scanner in the center console. Anybody got any advice? It is only $10 and I might just go ahead and get it to try it out. Thanks.
I would just spend the extra $7-$10 and buy a cheap ($15-$20) magnet mount scanner antenna. You will benefit with using your car as a ground plane vs. just having a wire in the car or putting your rubber ducky on a suction cup mount outside.

I use to have a double suction cup mount where I could connect my Uniden rubber duck antenna onto it and suction it to the window outside. It did help, but not like a mag mount antenna will.

It's worth the few extra bucks...
Uniden? Their handheld antennas are pretty good, if you're just using a handheld in the car, really any sort of external antenna will be fine for the comms you want to hear.
Until the first time you pass a truck coming the other way on a two lane road and both of you are doing at least 70mph and a windy day. The mag mount flies off, hits the end of the cable and smashes out your window. That was the last time I used a mag mount.
Until the first time you pass a truck coming the other way on a two lane road and both of you are doing at least 70mph and a windy day. The mag mount flies off, hits the end of the cable and smashes out your window. That was the last time I used a mag mount.

That sounds unfortunate David! Don't here much of that happening since most antennas don't have much wind load.

Rare earth magentic bases are wonderful :D
Well. That is kind of scary. I don't want to drill any holes but maybe there is some way to attach it to the lip of the bed on my truck. Has anybody done this? What kind of mount would I need to do that?
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I have a chevy s10 it doesn't have stake pockets. That would be handy though.
Happens more often than you think. I have seen plenty of chase vehicles out on the plains that have mags with either the cord or zip ties or something securing them to roof racks. This has been mentioned many times over the years by chasers here on ST.

I have had mag mount antennas that have flied off my vehicle when passing a semi on a windy day. Always been fortunate to not get my window knocked out though. I learned real quick to tie it down to my roof rack with velcro. It has worked perfect ever since.