Redundant Copyright Threads...

Feb 29, 2004
Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States of Americ
Not to be TOO picky, but does the "Weather calendars and copyright infringement?" thread belong in Weather Lab? It seems better suited for the copyright infringement topics taking place in both Information Desk and Bar and Gril... It's not that I mind them - heck, I even participate in them - but they are ongoing in every forum, covering the same exact topics... It's almost impossible to follow all of the threads: (11/27/05)

From what I can tell, Weather Lab is for "meteorology, forecasting, and chasing" - I guess copyright infringement of chase photos does belong in the "chasing" category... But I don't know, it just seems a little redundant to me since it's well covered in every other forum on ST. My own interpretation of "Weather Lab" was that it was for meteorological discussions, chase strategy, forecast techniques, etc...

I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if all of the copyright-based threads were located in one forum, whether it's Weather Lab, Information Desk, Bar and Grill, etc.. It just seems like they are taking over the site, and I blame Mike H :wink: :lol: :lol:
It's always nice to be stirring up a little controversy.

Isn't there some song, "Blame canada"? I figured since so far the ones doing the most selling to magazines and papers were all from Canada and that song that it would just be funny and fitting. Trying to laugh more-so than stir.


And on an actual historical note:

American military officials drew up a secret plan in 1930 for war against Britain in which Canada would be the main battleground. \"Joint Plan Red,\" as it was known, envisaged the elimination of Britain as a trading rival.

Dear Straight Dope:

I came across something the other day and wondered how much of it was Internet fabrication--namely, a claim that the U.S. had plans to invade Canada (called the \"Red army\" in the plans) sometime after WW1. First, is this true? Second, if it is true, why? Aside from the War of 1812 and the Fenian revolt in the 1860s, both of which were directed at England, I always thought U.S./Canada relations were pretty friendly. And speaking of the Fenian revolt, how real of a real threat was it? My preliminary research suggests the Fenians didn't manage to amass many troops on the U.S. side of the border, leading me to conclude that they were swatted down pretty easily. --Mister Biggles

SDSTAFF bibliophage replies:

U.S. plans to invade Canada after the First World War? This is one of the most bizarre stories I've come across on the Internet, and the most bizarre part is that it's true. The U.S. military really did develop a \"Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan--Red\" in the 1920s and '30s, and it really did include provisions for an invasion of Canada by the United States.

OK now... [/hijack]
<img src=>

Canada, your under arrest... For the possession of stolen photographs across your country :eek:
Not to be TOO picky, but does the "Weather calendars and copyright infringement?" thread belong in Weather Lab? It seems better suited for the copyright infringement topics taking place in both Information Desk and Bar and Gril... It's not that I mind them - heck, I even participate in them - but they are ongoing in every forum, covering the same exact topics... It's almost impossible to follow all of the threads: (11/27/05)

From what I can tell, Weather Lab is for "meteorology, forecasting, and chasing" - I guess copyright infringement of chase photos does belong in the "chasing" category... But I don't know, it just seems a little redundant to me since it's well covered in every other forum on ST. My own interpretation of "Weather Lab" was that it was for meteorological discussions, chase strategy, forecast techniques, etc...

I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if all of the copyright-based threads were located in one forum, whether it's Weather Lab, Information Desk, Bar and Grill, etc.. It just seems like they are taking over the site, and I blame Mike H :wink: :lol: :lol:

Just to clarify … I originally posted the weather calendar post INSIDE the Hollingshead photos thread in Information Desk, as you can see the post is directed to Mike. One of the mods decided to split it out and start a new tread in Wx Lab.