Re: When you can't get radar, buy one!

Angel Dimitrov


I read the topic of TimV about the WSR-57 radar. How much will cost such radar? We haven't free radar data here so this was article on ST was enjoy to read it.

I read the topic of TimV about the WSR-57 radar. How much will cost such radar? We haven't free radar data here so this was article on ST was enjoy to read it.

Hi Angel; I couldn't find the article in question, however I think there might be some confusion over this. The WSR-57 was an early modern radar system implemented in the US in the late 50's. Here's an excellent write-up on wikipedia: .

I'm also not sure if you're trying to suggest personal use of transmitting radar equipment or not, this subject comes up from time to time. At least in North America licences/permits are required to install or operate such equipment; in addition the mobile use of radar equipment is tightly regulated (and using marine band radar is strictly forbidden). The biggest problem with the use of such equipment is the risk of interference with legitimate installations such as those used for aircraft or weather. I would personally question the value of using such equipment anyways, especially in a mobile setting.
The article Angel is speaking of is on stormtrack's front page, It's about a guy Tim know's who, in the 80's, was able to get the equipment and FCC licenses needed to get his own WSR-57 radar going.

Cost value I'm sure it would be thousands of dollars to get the equipment needed to put together your own functional Doppler Radar, plus whatever it would take to get your FCC Licenses.
The article Angel is speaking of is on stormtrack's front page, It's about a guy Tim know's who, in the 80's, was able to get the equipment and FCC licenses needed to get his own WSR-57 radar going.

That's what I get for setting my "favorites" to start Stormtrack directly into the forums.. I've been missing those articles! (never used to be much going on there a while back). Wow, that is pretty cool... would be interested to see what it would take to get something like that done these days.

John, Jketcham,

I know about WSR-57, Les developed 88D, some chasers with marine rads had problems with the DOWs. I also looked around how to install marine radar, but they are not specially developed for weather surveillence and are expensive, plus the radio beam, which can be dangerous if you don't know what are you doing. The best case is if the euro weather services change their policy and put online high quality rad info, not sure if this will happen in the close future.
