Donavon and Jungbluth came up with some very handy numbers for pulse-storm hail events, using the freezing level and 50dbZ heights.
Article: http://ams.allenpress.com/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1175/WAF1008.1
Powerpoint: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/fgf/science/CaseStudy/SevereHail/Severe_Hail.ppt
I put those numbers into a clean page, which you can reduce as desired to fit around the desk. http://skywatch.org/Hail.pdf
Basically on a day with a given freezing level, look for the 50dbZ echo to get above the corresponding height and then worry about severe hail in a pulse storm.
If you have GR2AE, you can get the latest freezing level in the first column of the RUC sounding (Algorithms / Environment). If you go to Algorithms / Alg Settings, you can change the Echo Tops to 50 dbZ -- so the ET product would show you the height of the dbZ without having to mess around.
If you go that route, I've created a new color table which makes things a little easier to read.
; 50dbZ Echo Top Color Table
Units: KFT
Step: 5
Scale: 3.281
Color: 15 0 200 255 0 100 128
Color: 20 0 255 200 0 128 100
Color: 25 255 255 0 180 128 0
Color: 30 255 128 0 128 64 0
Color: 35 255 0 255 128 0 128
Color: 40 128 128 128 255 255 255
Color: 45 255 255 255
Article: http://ams.allenpress.com/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1175/WAF1008.1
Powerpoint: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/fgf/science/CaseStudy/SevereHail/Severe_Hail.ppt
I put those numbers into a clean page, which you can reduce as desired to fit around the desk. http://skywatch.org/Hail.pdf
Basically on a day with a given freezing level, look for the 50dbZ echo to get above the corresponding height and then worry about severe hail in a pulse storm.
If you have GR2AE, you can get the latest freezing level in the first column of the RUC sounding (Algorithms / Environment). If you go to Algorithms / Alg Settings, you can change the Echo Tops to 50 dbZ -- so the ET product would show you the height of the dbZ without having to mess around.
If you go that route, I've created a new color table which makes things a little easier to read.
; 50dbZ Echo Top Color Table
Units: KFT
Step: 5
Scale: 3.281
Color: 15 0 200 255 0 100 128
Color: 20 0 255 200 0 128 100
Color: 25 255 255 0 180 128 0
Color: 30 255 128 0 128 64 0
Color: 35 255 0 255 128 0 128
Color: 40 128 128 128 255 255 255
Color: 45 255 255 255