OU staff begins moving into the National Weather Center

And how long after the original move-in date? I think we (School of Metr) were supposed to move the first full week of June, but we won't move until July 10th (barring any further delays). Greg or Jim -- are you guys (NSSL) in yet? I think the NSSL original move date was in April.
We move the library in next week...then the offices start moving in on 7-10. It's about a month late, I think. Not sure when the feds are moving in.
NSSL moves around towards the end of July and the beginning of Aug. My tentative move date is Aug 2. Our original move date was some time in March or April (we were supposed to be some of the first people in)
Greg or Jim -- are you guys (NSSL) in yet? I think the NSSL original move date was in April.[/b]
When I moved to NSSL in 1989, the word was that we would be in our new building in 7 years, so the original move-in date I suppose, was 1996! :)

Actually, the only actual date that the group I'm affiliated with (NSSL/WRDD - Kiel's group) was July 7, so we're technically less than one month behind at Aug 2.

BTW - neither Jim nor I work for NSSL.
Well, do y'all know whether or not it will be open for students (like me for instance lol) when fall semester starts. And will they start running a campus bus down that far, past the Lloyd Noble Center?

Word is that the major classes (intro, dynamics, so forth and so on...i.e., the good classes) will be taught in the weather center. All of our other stuff will be on the main campus. There will be a shuttle bus running...not sure yet where the bus stop will be, but I assume it will be the South Oval, and I've heard it will run on the hour, as opposed to the other buses which run on the half hour. Jeff, you heard any details on that?
I'm just wondering where the weather lab is going to be...I really hate leaving our little corner on the 14th floor at Sarkeys.
BTW - neither Jim nor I work for NSSL.

Where's the 'blushin' emoticon? Apologies for that Greg... I assumed you were employed by NSSL, though I just realized that you work for CIMMS but at NSSL. As for Jim -- he's a WDTB guy -- stupid me! 0/2 -- I should have just left that part off in hindsight :lol:
Word is that the major classes (intro, dynamics, so forth and so on...i.e., the good classes) will be taught in the weather center. All of our other stuff will be on the main campus. There will be a shuttle bus running...not sure yet where the bus stop will be, but I assume it will be the South Oval, and I've heard it will run on the hour, as opposed to the other buses which run on the half hour. Jeff, you heard any details on that?
I'm just wondering where the weather lab is going to be...I really hate leaving our little corner on the 14th floor at Sarkeys.
All for-majors meteorology classes will be in the NWC (that includes METR 1111). The non-majors classes will still be held up at SEC. The new "map room" will be on the 5th floor on the SW side of the building (best view minus the observation deck), however, there will be seating all around the building (to make it more social and open---MUCH better than Sarkeys). Buses will run on the hour (I believe...I don't have my notes on me from the SAC THM where Dr. Carr went over this); the buses are set to run counter to the OU main campus schedule giving students ~20 minutes to get to the Main Campus or NWC for classes. The class schedules are also shifted to accommodate travel time b/w OU Main Campus and NWC.
Where's the 'blushin' emoticon? Apologies for that Greg... I assumed you were employed by NSSL, though I just realized that you work for CIMMS but at NSSL. As for Jim -- he's a WDTB guy -- stupid me! 0/2 -- I should have just left that part off in hindsight :lol:
I'm CIMMS, yes, but no longer affiliated with NSSL as of April 2004. Instead, I'm affiliated with NWS/MDL, but located in Norman (office currently at NSSL, soon at NWC).
A friend and I just gave ourselves a self-guided tour of the NWC. Overall, I'm impressed. The building has the largest footprint of any on the OU campus and has the 2nd largest floor space. What's the first? Ironically, it is the building we are moving out of although we only accounted for a small fraction of the space.

The inside of the building is nice. While some things aren't finished, the building has lots of window space for plenty of natural lighting. The atrium reminds me of the inside of a hotel.... you can look up and see balconies for all 5 floors. The hallways are extremely wide, with small corridors which lead off into additional offices. The new maproom, computer lab, and classrooms are all equally nice. I wish I was an incoming undergrad (ok maybe not). Finally, the observation deck is greatly superior to what we had in Sarkeys. This allows for a scenic view of the OU campus, the SW to look at incoming storms, and to the S where you can view the majestic sewage treatment center. What will be annoying after a short time are the new elevators... a freindly voice (with what seems to be a british like accent) constantly reminds you whether you are going up/down or if the doors are opening/closing.

Sorry... no pics. President Boren has an embargo on interior pics of finished portions of the building for now... I may try and get a few updated pics of the exterior and perhaps some roof shots if I have the time next week.

Robin Tanamachi and I worked helping to set up the new library Wednesday morning. There is the main room with the books and study areas and two other rooms, one of which will be the room for the jounal collection (like the old grad student lounge). If I understood correctly, our library will be combined with the libraries from NWS, SPC and NSSL. It looks like the collections are not only the books from the old reading room, but a lot of books , journals, tech manuals, etc have been collected from/donated by the professors.
I've already staked out my spot in the corner by the window B)
I self-toured for the first time today as well... Pretty nifty place! The faculty and grad student offices are, for the most part, quite a bit larger than the previous offices (in Sarkeys)... I think my office (which I share with Robin Tanamachi, Mike French, and Jana Houser) is more than twice as large as the old one. The observation deck and patio/roof area is pretty cool, with good views all around (thanks to the lack of tall buildings nearby). It was a little like a maze for me, but I'm sure I'll learn it soon enough. The natural lighting and open feel is very nice! And hey, I hear there are showers too, for all those late-night study binges! LOL It is a pretty large building, and, with hundreds of meteorologists in relatively close proximity, it'll be interesting to hear the chatter come next spring's first MDT or HIGH risk day.

I do wonder how long it'll be until a sounding balloon from the new launch location (if the building that I think is the balloon building is indeed the new balloon prep building) hits the nearby watertower to it's ESE. :)
I do wonder how long it'll be until a sounding balloon from the new launch location (if the building that I think is the balloon building is indeed the new balloon prep building) hits the nearby watertower to it's ESE. :)

I think you're right in thinking that's the balloon prep building. I thought the same thing when I saw it.
It is... a friend of mine that works at NWS OUN says they have a pool going. The other comment they made was about how long it would take for an accident to occur on highway 9 due to balloon crossing ;)
