The first few are from the deserts, they're kind of spooky. Whoever said the West wasn't wild anymore doesn't get out very often.
At the Texaco in the small tumbleweed town of Maricopa, Arizona, I ran into an wildlife illustrator who I knew from work. He looked at me with surprise... "What are you doing out here?" "Shooting lightning..." I said. Then I looked at him, "What are you doing out here?" "Gathering snakes" he said. (?) I knew he drew wildlife, but I didn't know he went out to gather live models.
Another time, in the mining town of Globe, Arizona, I pulled up to a red masonry wall and shined my headlights on it. The wall looked funny, it was moving in waves :shock: I thought I might be hallucinating. Instead as I got closer, I realized a hundred scorpions were coming out.
While chasing monsoon in Apache Junction, Arizona in 2003, something blue and very large flew across the road and almost hit my front fender. Now I need a new bumper sticker..."I brake for flying kiddie-pools!"
Last year, I'm in the desert near the western town of Cave Creek, Arizona. I was shooting lightning to the north, and suddenly a carload of drunk guys see me. They start hooting and hollaring as they drive past. But then, they did a quick U-turn, made a rooster tail, and started to chase me down this dirt road. Sh :shock: I threw my tripod onto the back seat, dove into the car and punched it with the back door open and the tripod hanging halfway out the back. I think I might have hit 90mph. I drove about 10 miles up the Carefree Highway, stopped and called a friend, coworker Mike, who I thought might also be out shooting lightning somewhere. I told him what happened. He was in the ghost town of Congress about 50 miles away, shooting lightning from Bradshaw mountain backcountry en route to Prescott. He was inside his truck as CGs where coming down all over the desert. "Someone's firing a gun closeby here..." his voice said nervously. Mike does not frighten easily either, his specialty is underwater shark and shipwreck photography. And yet, he sounded nervous and felt like he should bail. (Who'd be out shooting firearms in the dark during torrential monsoon storms??). A couple days later, they found a body out there where he had been chasing. :shock: What a freaky night!
And here's some weirdness from Liberal, Kansas. At about 4:30am one night, I'm using the brick wall of an abandoned Enterprise Rent-a-Car building as a wind protector. Lightning was firing over these newly painted grain elevators across the street. I couldn't resist the scene, plus, I thought because of the hour nobody would bother me. I'm set up shooting in extreme wind and torrential rain (which was flooding Hwy 54) and along comes a cop. He gets out and stands next to me, maelstrom and all, and quietly says..."Do you mind if I have a cigarette?" (Whaaaa.....) I politely left...immediately.
I am convinced now that Hwy 54 through Liberal, Kansas is the unrefuted Corridor of Weirdness. June 2004, I'm in the Plains and starting to head back toward Arizona. I had to make a gas stop before hitting the road. Suddenly, two men dressed in long monk's robes...with striped socks...started walking out of the Circle K (ROFL!!) Apparently, they were "wicked witches", employed by Dorothy's Wizard of Oz house, and were headed back to the Yellow Brick Road (no kidding, there really is one). I see the sign, and I have to follow it (of course!). It leads me to this boxy white house, but no one is around, all is quiet. I walk around the grounds but no one is there. I went up to the door, and a girl with braids and a blue gingham dress really does open the door "Hi, I'm Dorothy!". I was the only visitor to Dorothy's House, it was a delightful but weird experience.
And the Height of Weirdness comes from Amarillo, TX. I'm passing through town in June of 2004 and went to dinner late. It was the day after the big hail storm blew out all those hospital windows in AMA and damaged the motels on I40 so I had a bit of trouble finding a room. The steak place next to the Red Roof Inn, where I finally stayed, was open so I went inside and sat down. I was alone minding my own business, and the waitress comes up to me, sits down, and whispers in a caring voice close to me, "Mind if I ask you something?" I was just about ready to say "Sorry I'm not gay", and she said "Are you in the AB?" I cocked my head..."The what? What's the AB?" She said "The Aryan Brotherhood". :shock: :shock: :shock: "WHAT??" (I'm blonde but come on!) She said she had been in prison, and in prison the logo for the "AB" was a lightning bolt, similar to the necklace I was wearing!" I said "I'm just a lightning photographer, that's all!" Learn something new about graphic design every day!!
I have many more, but I should end this novel

But remind me sometime to tell you the story of St. Anthony's Church!