Not so scary storm images.

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date
Wow - these are AWESOME ... nice work folks!

April, 2004 - Falls City, Nebraska:



Awesome pictures!

Aaron, it would be great if dates can be supplied as I am interested what days those images were taken. Same goes to others who haven't - it would be great as it helps give a different perspective!


Jimmy Deguara
Great thread! Here are a few of mine:

May 29, 2001 - Texas Panhandle supercell

July 15, 2003 - Scott Depot, WV lightning

June 1, 2004 - Charleston, WV congestus with pileus

December 10, 2004 - Fayette County, WV rainbow

August 8, 2001 - Hurricane, WV lightning

June 12, 2004 - Rock, KS tornado rope-out

June 9, 2005 - Rooks County, KS tornado rope-out

June 7, 2005 - Kadoka, SD CG with LP supercell

And one of my favorites of all-time, a chaser's dream scene, though just a video frame shot:

June 12, 2004 - Mulvane, KS double CG with tornado
Hi Dan,

The angle of the South Dakota supercell suggests you were not too far away from where we were. We actually were on top of a shooting range embankment which gave us an excellent view of the storm without obstacles. I recall the staccato lightning so I would say that I have it on video and will get a still later. Did you get a good timelapse of the storm? It rotated beautifully! To keep on track with the thread - perhaps send a private reply.

Back on track, thanks for the locations etc - absolutely incredible pictures. Once can really appreciate what storm chasing is all about when you see the variety of the images displayed here and of course on other galleries.


Jimmy Deguara
Well, these aren't mine (I have to develop my photos someday!), but I'm quite fond of them.

Somewhere in the plains, mid–late 1970s, by the NSSL Storm Intercept Project. (See the wall cloud down the bottom?)

Another one from the '70s sometime, this one by Steve Tegtmeier.
Great thread, awesome pics.

It isn't anything of mine, but I feel that a thread like this simply wouldn't be complete without a link to these incredible pictures.
Here's a taste:

This astounding LP updraft and tornado occured on 3/21/05 in Marlin TX, where it was photographed by Bill Purcell. Simply amazing.