New Stormtrack logo contest

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Dec 4, 2003
This is a call for anyone who would like to design a new logo for the Stormtrack forum. The logo we are currently using is this:


It was something I tossed together in Paint Shop back in 2005 with the intention of upgrading it later, and I never really was inspired to improve it.

So feel free to put your artistic talent to use. We will run the designs November 10-15 and the winner will be chosen by popular vote.

The logo should be exactly 120 px high, and may be anywhere from 220 to 500 px wide (in fact going wide would probably look better and less button-like). A design that uses elements of our old 1988-2003 Stormtrack magazine logo (see below) would probably help keep with tradition, but is not necessary and I think it would probably be difficult to pull it off in a way that looks good.


The winner will receive Preprints, 16th Conference On Weather Analysis & Forecasting (1998) to add to your technical library, or we can send it to a person or library of your choice.

Or maybe we can vote on the best radar signature that we've seen since that one you have alredy?

Personally; I like the logo as is.
Unless - one can be found that is somehow better.
It's a proper theme - I think...
If it is going to be "for real" it needs to be a 1:2 aspect ratio. The current logo is 220 pixels wide and 110 pixels high.
If it is going to be "for real" it needs to be a 1:2 aspect ratio. The current logo is 220 pixels wide and 110 pixels high.

The logo should be exactly 120 px high, and may be anywhere from 220 to 500 px wide (in fact going wide would probably look better and less button-like). A design that uses elements of our old 1988-2003 Stormtrack magazine logo (see below) would probably help keep with tradition, but is not necessary and I think it would probably be difficult to pull it off in a way that looks good.

;) - But I can scale it down and change the font color if need be.
Are any of the logo elements available in vector formats or with transparency?
About all we have as far as raw material is this logo for the Marshall-era magazine:
(1772 x 882 px)

No transparency on it but it's black and white and would be easy to do. That typeface is Futura Bold Italic. Our new logo uses Bitstream Vera Sans Bold compressed slightly in the horizontal.

Incorporation of old logos is not important but more power to anyone who wants to give it a try.

For whatever it's worth, this is kind of a cool thing I found while digging around... I think it was created back in 2004 but never adopted.


Also for contrast there's these nice ones from Mike Hollingshead, one of which we used for some duration in 2007. I seem to recall one of them we were using was taken down at his request but I can't recall the circumstances.


The letters kind of remind me of the HOLLYWOOD sign.


Also we used this one in 2004:


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