new/old weather terms and sniglets

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS
Anyone have good definitions for these

Never seen a sniglet? (names you or others make up for common stuff)

How about this one for stormchasers I invented

What you get when you stick your head out the windows of your auto and almost chock on a insect that happens to go in your mouth"

send yours
make up your own, post your favorites , other "daffynitions "

Stuporcell -- A storm that just never gets it together despite all the ingredients seeming to be in place.

Cumuloboomulo -- A dry thunderstorm with much CG lightning and little rain.

The Sucks Zone -- An unrewarding portion of an otherwise productive target area.

The Juggler's drop(-ped, -ping) his balls -- The storm is gusting out/becoming outflow dominant, esp. in a rather sudden and spectacular manner. [usage -- "The Juggler's dropping his balls. Let's get the hell out of here!"]

Engine Room -- Rotating, mostly rain-free updraft area of a supercell.

Dustnado -- Rapidly rotating, rising dirt column extending to cloud base; subject to endless debate whether it's a tornado, gustnado, landspout, or dust devil.
Here's a couple...

Little Orphan Anvil: When the top of a tower gets sheared off before the CB can develop.

Lets not forget the ever famous SHERRIFNADO: a "tornado" spotted by the local sherrif (who also happens to be the deputy, mayor and local gas station owner)

Here's a new one for ya...the term "06" : Can be used in a any situation to describe something that started out really good and then turned out to be absolutely horrible. For instance, "After winning 10 of their first 11 the Chicago Cubs really 06'ed last season and fell into last place" or "She was really nice when I met her then she 06'ed me and slept with my best friend". :huh:

Here's a new one for ya...the term "06" : Can be used in a any situation to describe something that started out really good and then turned out to be absolutely horrible. For instance, "After winning 10 of their first 11 the Chicago Cubs really 06'ed last season and fell into last place" or "She was really nice when I met her then she 06'ed me and slept with my best friend". :huh:

I think this one's going to stick, unfortunately.

Commitment Boundary: a commonly observed phenomenon, at least if you're me. It describes the powerful lift caused by personal obligations. The most head-bangingly chaseable storms inevitably fire up along the edge of an ironclad commitment, on a day when I absolutely cannot chase.
Short-fuse chase: Deciding to embark on a chase at the absolute last minute, based on new data that suggests a promising setup.

Marathon chase: A long-distance chase that requires near continuous driving, sometimes including all night, to arrive in the target area in time. Many marathon chases are also short-fuse chases.

Check-swing chase: Derived from the baseball term, turning around and heading home shortly after leaving for a chase due to worsening conditions or a bad feeling about the day's prospects.

Consolation prize: A photogenic weather-related phenomena that is encountered on a day that otherwise is a major bust.

All nighter: A chase day that extends into the early morning hours due to good lightning photography conditions.

Pre-chase insomnia: Inability to sleep the night before a chase day. Most common on short-fuse and marathon chases to significant risk days.
Don't forget stormgasm. I don't know who made it up, goes back a ways, but it means the hooting and hollaring noises chasers make when the tornado is center frame, right down the road, clearly in view. Hard to contain the excitement so therefore it's "stormgasm" LOL