New incar wi-fi setup

No new news from the company on the release date. I know of one chaser who spoke to them on the phone a bit ago and then told him it would be out by now. So not sure. Several people have emailed them but they have not replied back. Wonder if there has been a delay in getting the product out or if they never expected to have it out by now.
What kind of speeds are we looking at with this thing? Good enough to use at home for internet as well. I'm not wanting to have to pay per month for this AND 50-60 bucks for cable internet. Was hoping I could use this stuff for both. Wonder if thats an ok idea.
What kind of speeds are we looking at with this thing? Good enough to use at home for internet as well. I'm not wanting to have to pay per month for this AND 50-60 bucks for cable internet. Was hoping I could use this stuff for both. Wonder if thats an ok idea.
That would probably depend on what kind of speed you are looking for. It would be difficult to achieve the speeds we are seeing in this area with Comcast Cable. Depends on what you are used to though. There are individuals on here that have been using it at home and at hotels.
If you want fast at home there is only one way to go if available in your area . Verizon Fios rocks!!! .I have had for 2 months now . over 20,000 down and around 5000 up , Scary fast and $49.99 a month!!!
yeah... thats quick, but not quite the highspeed im looking at for home internet :(
In Dallas you might get 1000+, check with Verizon and see what their EVDO service speeds are in your area.
I still can't seem to get an answer to the question that I'm sure others are wondering; will people who are signing up for the service be required to sign a year or 2 contract or, like Weather Worx, can we turn it on and off so we aren't paying for a service we don't use during winter?

I've e-mailed the company, I think twice, now and can't seem to get an answer. I'm wondering if maybe that hasn't yet been worked out by the company? The answer to that question will determine if I get it or not. I'm really hoping that they don't follow in the footstep of cell phone companies that forces their customers to sign a 1-2 yr contract.

It's seems it a monthly contract

"The Autonet Mobile In-Car Router retails for $399 with a monthly subscription of $49.95 for unlimited data."
That's not really the question - the question is do they require an annual committment for that rate or is it month-to-month?
Yeah, I know that it's $50/mo... my question is, is this service going to be like a cell phone service where you have to sign a 2 year contract? Or will the service be like weather works where you can turn the service on and off?

I'm hoping it's like Wx Works where the service can be turned on and off, I really dont' have any desire to pay $50/mo. for a service I won't use at all during winter.

I emailed the company 3 times now and they haven't responded, seems' kind of shady.
I don't know that "shady" is the correct term since they do have service available for rental -- just seems more like they got in over their heads...
From a phone conversation the company told one poster that there would not be a contract. They said it would be month by month. That is what they said - now - if that is what actually happens? Who knows.
Yeah, I know that it's $50/mo... my question is, is this service going to be like a cell phone service where you have to sign a 2 year contract? Or will the service be like weather works where you can turn the service on and off?

I'm hoping it's like Wx Works where the service can be turned on and off, I really dont' have any desire to pay $50/mo. for a service I won't use at all during winter.

I emailed the company 3 times now and they haven't responded, seems' kind of shady.
They don't seem to want to answer that question in an email. Who knows why. Read the above post above a phone conversation. I will be surprised if they don't have a contract. Guess we will see.
This reminds me of when WXWorx came out. I first heard about it in 2002 and it was scheduled to come out in April of 2003. As the spring of 2003 progressed the kept pushing the roll out data back. I was one of the first people to order one and I didn't get mine until first week of March in 2004.
If they are waiting on FCC approval on thier equipment . It can be a very long painful process even if you have all your ducks in a row . Don't hold your breath waiting . Just hope for the best for them.
This reminds me of when WXWorx came out. I first heard about it in 2002 and it was scheduled to come out in April of 2003. As the spring of 2003 progressed the kept pushing the roll out data back. I was one of the first people to order one and I didn't get mine until first week of March in 2004.