New computer

Jason Boggs

Well, I finally broke down and bought a new desktop. I had been thinking about a new laptop or desktop. I decided that I'm on the desktop a lot more, so I got one a Best Buy yesterday.

I purchased a Gateway model GT5694

Here are some specs:

AMD Phenom quad core processor 1.8 ghz
4 gigs DDR2 memory
640 gig hard drive
wireless LAN
2 firewire ports
6 USB ports 2 on front of computer
DVD+RW drive
ATI Radeon HD 3200 video
and of course windows vista

I have to say that I really like Vista. I'm having to get used to it after working with XP for so long, but I'll eventually figure it out. All in all, I like the whole setup. I guess I will sell my old computer, I'm not sure.

After having my old computer for about 5 years, this new computer will be a treat to own. I've never owned a Gateway product until now. I guess I'll see how it performs, and what the quality level will be.

EDIT: Now I'm off to get everything back like I had it on the old computer. Bookmarks, programs, setting, etc...
Sweet! Nice setup man. :)

Going from a single core to a quad core is an amazing jump. I went from my old 3 Ghz AMD single core to a quad core 3 Ghz (overclocked) Intel. My photo processing time has decreased significantly. I also have slowly learned to really like Vista on this new machine. If I had an old computer with older hardware, I wouldn't touch it. But, with 3 Gbs of RAM and a decent CPU, it is a great OS. As of yet, I haven't had it really blue screen on me once. Still crossing my fingers..... :D
