Computer randomly hangs

Interesting, the video card issue. FWLIW, I've run various ATIs for years w/o any woes.

In the meantime, hit and make yourself a bootable CD. Run the program overnight. If it throws any errors, try pulling the memory modules and re-seating them. (Along similar lines, it's just possible that pulling the video card cleaned a slightly flaky contact, solving your problem. Re-seating any and all expansion cards and power/IO cables is one of the first things to try when chasing random glitches.)

Ya might also run one of several 'stress test' programs overclockers use to certify a system's stability. One of the more popular is

Between these two programs, you should catch any CPU/cooling/motherboard/memory issues. Clearly, they won't do a thing for video, HD, CD, etc. problems.

If the 4850 needs a home.... ;)

Good luck
Well, I returned the 4850, and I am pleased with my new video card. Game runs good, and no more freezing after boot up. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, it seems my issue has been solved.
In case anyone is reading this reply in the future, I had similar issues with my old desktop. Everything seemed good and then the computer would freeze for no apparent reason. I tried reconnecting everything, reseating the processor and memory, and swapping the power supply - no change. Eventually I switched the memory to another slot and the problem fixed itself. Go figure. RST