I believe that thread is about a user who rewrote the code for wX, and turned it into something similar to Pykl3. I haven't used Pykl3, or tried the modified version of wX to know if it's worthwhile though.
I use Radarscope for radar, and wX for everything else when it comes to mobile weather. Gonna be purchasing GRAE for the laptop shortly, although there is another product called WSV3 that I'm still considering. Unless you can find someone with coding experience to dig into the Pykl3 issues, the best you can do is keep trying to run it, and hope someone gets it up and running.
For what it's worth, the Radar Omega suggestion seems good too. There are few apps out there that have mostly the same features for a price... but again, I don't know how they stack up against the features Pykl3 had, or what your requirements are. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.