3.37786 released on Saturday April 9, 2016 - thanks to those that suggested these features.
- Radar - new long press behavior now shows popup menu with options and more information. For example it shows the distance from the long pressed location to your current location ( GPS location if enabled ), distance from current radar, 4 closest radars and distance allowing user to switch to any of them, observations, warning text, and radar status message. This popup replaces the “long press action” submenu implemented recently.
- Substantial improvement in the way TDWR are handled and managed. They can now be added as favorites just like Nexrad and are distinguished from normal Nexrad via the leading “T”.
- Small set of additional color palettes now available in settings->radar for reflectivity and velocity. The “CODENH” are enhanced versions of the existing color maps that I’m using to correct minor defects in reflectivity, still testing them. The enhanced version of velocity is much more similar to College of Dupage which was the goal to begin with. If you have a color palette you would like to have integrated into the program please send me a screenshot and your PAL file and suggest a name to call it. In the future I hope to offer an interface to edit the color palettes on the fly. Existing ones would be fixed but could be cloned and modified or created from scratch, etc.
- Enhanced highway data has been switched to a new data set that has far more detail.
- Additional option in settings->radar to show some secondary roads. Once you zoom in close enough these roads will appear. Their color can be configured in settings->color
- Major performance enhancements for text based labeling in radar including cities, obs, spotters.
- 2nd level of cities if enabled in radar now loads all data for the CONUS instead of just the state the current radar is in.
- Location dots now work with Canadian locations.
- If device lacks sufficient memory to render radar instead of crashing it will not issue an a popup dialogue warning of inconsistent results and request to exit the radar activity ( or app if radar is on homescreen ). This might happen of all options for roads, cities are selected and device does not have sufficient RAM, etc.
- (bugfix) In the local WFO text product viewer submenu the link for hazard map was no longer working after the NWS redesigned WFO websites. The exact functionality is no longer available so a link the WAA map for that CWA was used instead.
- (bugfix) Prevent application crash of current location becomes out of sync with how many locations are actually available.
TIPS: You can touch the top most icon to the left of current conditions on the “local” tab to edit the current location or see radar status if radars are shown on the main page. You can also access sun/moon data as well.
BACK DOOR to SETTINGS: If for some reason the app is crashing on start after a settings change or you suspect a roaming location is bad, there is a backdoor into settings. First, add the main wX widget to your homescreen and then tap the teardrop icon to access the hourly activity. In the submenu you can access settings and delete any bad locations or revert any settings made recently. I strive to keep wX bug-free as possible but it will always be a work in progress as long as new features are added. Additionally the dependence on a wide variety of upstream data sources that could change data formats at anytime will continue to pose challenges but thankfully it’s not that common. Thanks to those reporting bugs and helping to keep it a more stable program.
BUGS/CRASHES: If you are experience any crashes or bugs and have submitted crash reports but do not see resolution with this latest release please contact via email. It’s not always possible with the crash data automatically submitted or the comments to figure out what is going on. For now there was a crash with a comment that someone was trying to select a city but got a crash. The crash data didn’t provide enough detail to narrow this down and the comment didn’t specify what part of the program it was in. If someone continues to have issues with this please email me directly. Unfortunately the diversity of the android ecosystem causes folks to have issues that I don't see on my 3 devices.
Suggestions, bug reports always welcomed. thanks, Josh
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Google play summary:
Longpress in radar has been improved with a popup list of options preventing the need to set a long press mode in submenu. TDWR support has been redone and enhanced. New radar features available in settings->radar: new enhanced highway data set, option for additional roads in addition to highways, county labels, a few color palette options for reflectivity and velocity. Noticeable performance improvement for text overlays in radar. If secondary cities are enabled they are shown for the CONUS not just the current state. bugfixes