Netstumbler ?

Feb 5, 2004
Celina, Ohio
How many of you have downloaded and use Netstumbler with your WiFi setup on chases ? Any trouble with viruses, spyware, malware, etc with the down load ?
Have any of you used it with an Orinoco Gold (8470-FC) card ?

Is it worth getting - opinions -good or bad ?

Thanks - Jon Miller
Funny you should ask because I just got my Orinoco Classic Gold (8410-WD/a) card with antenna in the mail today. I bought it off ebay and will be installing it in my laptop when I get that on Monday, so I too am interested in hearing what people's experiences (good or bad) are with these combinations.
Use em both and love em both! Although my Orinoco mysteriously quite working in KS last year and I purchase a D-link G card that has a flip up antenna on it that seemed to work just as well.
Originally posted by Kurt Hulst
Can any one tell me what the diffrence is b/w the G and B type cards?

Just in laymans terms Kurt, it has to do with the internal speed capability on the network. G is faster than B. B is pretty much standardized, but G is becoming more frequently used as well.

In practicaly use as far as the Internet is concerned, unless your on a T3 or something, there is no way the internet connection will ever hit the speed of a B or G network. So in that sense it really doesn't matter.

I will say in practical use, I have noticed that I can get a little more distance on a G network rather than a B network.

BTW, G cards are backward compatible with B networks. So if your gonna buy one, might as well get the G.
Okay cool David. I had gotten a motarola wireless card that is G last fall.

I understand that having an external antenna can help with range is this correct? My card has no external outlet. but works fine. I found a connection in a very small town in Iowa last year and various other places without an external antenna. Oh just an FYI Iowa restops are starting to be equiped with free wifi.

What exactly does Netstumbler do for you any way?
Originally posted by David Drummond

In practicaly use as far as the Internet is concerned, unless your on a T3 or something, there is no way the internet connection will ever hit the speed of a B or G network. So in that sense it really doesn't matter.

One situation where it does matter, however, is when your distance from the access point increases. The speed of an 802.11b card will slow down noticeably as you move away from the access point, even if you still have a somewhat strong signal. Because 802.11g is faster, a decrease in speed will not be noticeable until you are nearly out of the range of the access point.
Originally posted by Rockwell Schrock+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rockwell Schrock)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-David Drummond

In practicaly use as far as the Internet is concerned, unless your on a T3 or something, there is no way the internet connection will ever hit the speed of a B or G network. So in that sense it really doesn't matter.

One situation where it does matter, however, is when your distance from the access point increases. The speed of an 802.11b card will slow down noticeably as you move away from the access point, even if you still have a somewhat strong signal. Because 802.11g is faster, a decrease in speed will not be noticeable until you are nearly out of the range of the access point.[/b]

Sounds like a plus to me. :)

To answer Kurt, yeah, with ANYTHING that broadcasts a signal, getting an antenna outside your vehicle is ALWAYS better. Car bodies are horrible attenuators of signal.

Netstumbler is basically a network finder. It will show you what network access points your picking up, the signal strength, the ID being broadcast, and whether it is locked or open. Many motels have free wireless now, and put the motel name in their ID.
One thing that should be noted. If you have a mini PCI wireless card in your laptop (built-in) and you use the PCMCIA wireless card and external antenna, you should disable the built-in card while you are using the PCMCIA card. It will greatly increase the range of your wireless connectivity.
I use my Orinoco G card and external antenna while mobile and the built-in card when at home.
Originally posted by Jon Miller
How many of you have downloaded and use Netstumbler with your WiFi setup on chases ? Any trouble with viruses, spyware, malware, etc with the down load ?
Have any of you used it with an Orinoco Gold (8470-FC) card ?

Is it worth getting - opinions -good or bad ?

Thanks - Jon Miller

How many? Don't know, but I do, and really like it.

if you fear viruses, scan it after downloading.

Have built in wifi, so no external card, sorry.

Does anybody have the gps working with netstumbler? I think it would be helpfull to know which direction to go to improve a signal.
Originally posted by Jon Miller
My original post and questions pertained to the Netstumbler program not a WiFi discussion as it's turned into.

Jon, to answer your question, do not hesitate to download Netstumbler. It is a fine application, probably the best wardriving app out there. It even has a feature that plays MIDI sounds when a signal is detected: a higher pitch means a stronger signal. I've had no problems with it.
Dont forget handy scripts that will use your text to speech engine to announce the name of the router and whether it is open or closed. This allows you to focus more on driving and not on the laptop. It will also plot the routers location to mappoint so you can make databases. Download them off of netstumbler's forum.