Mild tornado season a bummer for scientists

Good morning,

Who can forget the effect of "Murphey's Law" too?

I took 2 weeks off in May 2009 (using 3 days I had, plus BORROWING one week for the next year, and 2 without pay) to chase (I was only at new IT job for a year). Then, the famous "ridge" threads began showing up on ST, along with all models showing the "upside-down" horseshoe.

I was lucky as I cancelled my May trip entirely, eating the nasty fees from the airlines, and saved my time off for another "rainy day" - literally.

I was able to get out for a very short trip in early June 2009, and actually saw the La Grange, WY tornados late stages. I was happy to get in the Plains, period.

Ofcourse, 90% of the good stuff was in Mid June 2009, of all times, and I dubbed the bad luck / timing as the "Wednesday Curse" because most activity happened on Wednesdays where taking time off was most difficult.

Even worse, my boss decides to go on a cruise during that 2-week period across mid June 2009 and they decide to do a system upgrade - Effectively snubbing out any hopes of an extra trip.

Next year (2010) I'll try to keep May AND June open (in case May decides to crap out with "Rex" again). My avatar pretty much tells my story.

I know many people did make 2009 very fruitful - So kudos to all those (lucky) folks.
2009 was definately a good year for me to not be able to chase. Hopefully 2010 will be different as I might be chasing next year, before I hopefully move to the Wichita or Oklahoma City areas.
I suppose I should consider myself lucky for the one success I had in April. (Not to mention the bonus in my backyard on June 12.)

As 2009 was my first year chasing, I would like to ask a question: What is it like to chase during an active year?

I'm guessing something somewhat more gratifying than the way this spring was...
I guess I was lucky too since I was deployed to the middle east right up to end of June. Now I'm burning my required 4 weeks off up for no related reason. Oh but next year the entire month of May. I did get a bit lucky although and did see 3 tornadoes after I got back. Nothing to brag about since I was never in a good spot to get any descent photos.
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To answer your question simply Jacob, go find the storm reports from 2008, starting on May 1st and keep clicking throughout the dates until you reach July 2008. Here's the link to get you started:

Now picture yourself in each of those day scenarios. Getting an idea at all of what it's like? :)

The good news is next year will be huge. Second year of V2, it has to be. 1995, anyone?
Interesting that the Vortex 1994-1995 project was brought up and the tornado seasons each year. What's interesting is that the 1994 Hurricane Season was very quiet and is a good analog to this hurricane season. So....I have to wonder (totally unscientific) if next year may be a banner tornado season and also a busy hurricane season like 1995.