Mike H pictures passed off as Hurricane Katrina pics

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joey Ketcham
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:lol: No need to keep posting in here with the "agree" type posts. It isn't letting the thread die down any faster...
How Can Anyone Honestly Be So Easily Fooled By This

Lets go through some basic differences from hurricanes and thunderstorms that everyone should learn to avoid being taken in by all these email hoaxes going around.

Severe Storms>Powerful Updrafts Rock hard storm Towers enhanced by windshear.
Hurricanes> Very Weak updrafts cannot sustain over land downdraft dominant ripped apart by windshear
Thunderstorms>Lots of lightning small scale (mesoscale) events.
Hurricanes >very little lightning at all Large scale 3-500 miles wide Compare this to the hoaxes very funnny. I just don't see how anyone could even try to pass these shots off as hurricanes. Hey Mike it's retribution time round up some Lawers and Sue Sue Sue!!! :lol: