Meanie greenies


Taken south of St. Francis, KS, on 24 May 2005.

A greenie eh? I'll tell you the weirdest one I ever saw was August 18 2005. I never really got a drop of rain but the tornado ravaged Stoughton, WI and then pressed on into Jefferson County.

Anyways I was under the anvil and there was brilliant in-cloud lightning a few times and very eerie cloud colors...including green. Then to top it all off newspaper clips and leaves and corn leaves, etc. began falling out of the sky around the area.

Suurrrreeeaaaallllll :shock:

I'm surprised Andy didn't say anything about this was a couple blocks away from him.

...Alex Lamers...
Hey Mike H. Did you need a new pair of underware after seeing this??


That is one of the awsomest stacked plate storms I think I have seen....excluding Grand Island's mothership.

Actually we were the one's being chased that day.

Just to clarify that this is a stitched image from a video pan but does a pretty good job of showing what it looked like. I need to dig up the actual video which may be even more impressive.
<img src=>

6-16-05 -- Supercell in southwest KS/OK panhandle border region... Really starting to tighten it's base up nicely. The second storm we were on after this exhibited a couple funnels... It was a decent day (MDT risk).
Here's a few from 24 May, 2005; three different storms. The first picture taken just north of Akron, Colorado.

The next picture taken near Wheeler, Kansas (same storm that Jason Branz posted).

The last pic is of a moose that was located near Towner, Colorado. 15 second exposure used hence the blur.

This last picture shows "greens" assoc with a different type of storm. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

--Al Pietrycha