Meanie greenies

Feb 10, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ USA
Got a good green storm? Post your best here. Natural/non-altered color only please, we want to see the real margarita.

I think this is probably my greenest (loc is Woodward Okla.)
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Yay for green-ish squalls :)
Originally posted by David Draun
Hey Nick, what is this comin at ya? :shock: I would be running away from it, lol.

LOL... Yeah, it was pretty cool. It's the Independance Day Derecho (went from MN/WI during the evening on 7/3 and then blasted through MI/OH by the early afternoon on 7/4) of 2003... I believe the highest gust I got from the storm was around 75MPH as it pushed through the southern edge of Downtown DTX. That vidcap shows the massive dirt being blown around along the leading edge of the line as it moved onto the lake... I will always love the MI summer days of +4000 SBCAPE and strong unidirectional flow :)
Good to be back after a protracted absence caused partly by passwords lost in a motherboard failure last fall. [Yes, I had backup data...and lost it too -- long story.]

I've seen more of these monstrosities than I care to admit. The most recent "greenie" is a digital shot appended here, from 8 ESE Bowman ND, 6 Jun 5, looking SSW. Unfortunately I have no film slides of this "Bowman Bow" because I was busy driving fairly fast to get out of its way, and the primary slide camera was nonfunctional that day anyway.


The intercept story is here FWIW:

May 24, 2004 just south of Des Moines, IA. This wall cloud had a nice green glowing core showing behind it. Powerful inflow as it passed then and then rfd as the clear slot appeared. It didn't drop anything though.
Karen stole my thunder for 5 June 2005, so here is another from 24 May 2002.
Sorry about the quality of the pic... the lens fogged due to the difference in temp between my car and outside. Doh!

Please forgive me for the crappy image quality, this was before I had a real camera. The date was 7-13-2004, north of Mooresville, IN. This was the same system that spawned an F4 destroying a manufacturing plant in Illinois, later turning into a nasty squall line that raced through Indiana. I was alone so these shots were taken in a big hurry as I decided it was best to run the other way when I saw this sky.


