Meanie greenies

Here is some supercell green from near Arriba CO on June 2, 2005

These are fantastic! The shades of green are spectacular too. I like how it varies from olive green to swimming pool blue-green. Just fantastic shots, I'm really enjoying seeing all the different greens!
David Barunin's (sorry if that's misspelled) first pic looks like it might be from June 16, 2005.

So that said, I was wondering if anyone had pics of the mother of all MCS's that occured on June 16, 2005. You might want to check the date on that on the SPC storm reports page. Im almost sure it was the 16th. If not, it was the following Thursday. I know for a fact it was on a Thursday. I chased that beast starting all the way from its birth in the Oklahoma panhandle and SW Kansas all the way to the Red River by 3am the following morning. Talk about green and black, WOW. I still say that was my most favorite chase of 2005 and it wasnt even a tornado chase. It WAS the MOTHER of all MCS's. I know not many people chased it b/c it wasnt a tornado day but still.......
It's from July 3, 2005 just southeast of Wichita, KS on a Sunday.

The second is from June 9, 2005 and the third is May 8, 2005 to clear things up. Nice spelling by the way :lol:
I know for a fact it was on a Thursday. I chased that beast starting all the way from its birth in the Oklahoma panhandle and SW Kansas all the way to the Red River by 3am the following morning. Talk about green and black, WOW. I still say that was my most favorite chase of 2005 and it wasnt even a tornado chase. It WAS the MOTHER of all MCS's.

Mother of all MCS's eh. I haven't seen much of it but I can't help but think it'll have a hard time trumping the May 27, 2001 derecho in the same area.
Bobby Eddins
Amos Magliocco's

Going to be hard to top that event. Each of those really only shows one area that was surging ahead. Other views show 2 or more.

Images on Roger Hill's page:
Too bad you can't see those larger now.

There is a day I wish I was later to the show. We were on them really early and got overtaken just before they started to take on those scenes. I guess it doesn't matter much as I didn't have a still camera then anyway.
Originally posted by CHris Whitehead
So that said, I was wondering if anyone had pics of the mother of all MCS's that occured on June 16, 2005. ... It WAS the MOTHER of all MCS's. I know not many people chased it b/c it wasnt a tornado day but still.......

Last summer I was in the NWC REU program in Norman, and on June 16, 2005, most of us went to an Oklahoma City Redhawks game. It was dark by the time we left, but all the way back to Norman we were "chased" by that beast. The lightning kept lighting up an awesome shelf cloud and we oo-ed and aw-ed at it on the drive back.

This was my first derecho and became the first time I had really seen lightning. I hadn't seen many convective events before, and the lightning we have up here flashes once. Then I might wait 5 minutes or longer before seeing another flash. So from an amateur's perspective, this storm was great! :D LOL It was also cool when the wind began blowing the rain nearly horizontal in one direction, and then it switched and started blowing the rain in the opposite direction.

I took a short video of the lightning and shelf cloud, and I got a couple captures of the radar that night if anyone's interested, as I excitedly stayed up all night to experience the storm!

I have a rather dumb question, though--how would I post an image? Do I have to have it on a webpage?
The mother of all MCS's? Heh...

I would say May 31, 1998... The system started out as a series of HP supercells over the midwest (Spencer SD tornado, F4). The system rapidly evolved and raced eastward overnight. MANY wind gusts in excess of 100MPH, with several gusts of +125MPH were reported. Almost everyone along the entire line (300 miles long) received wind gusts in excess of 60MPH... The system moved at a forward speed of 75MPH.

It's a shame it was dark during most of the event, but I am pretty sure Blake Naftel was on it over in western MI during the morning. Not sure if there were any good structure pics though.
