We've all seen WXWORX and RaySat, both of which are very expensive. I've also heard it said that WXWORX's data is not accurate or reliable, and does not come from the NWS system.[/b]
Hmmm, don't want to be argumentative here, but here is a brief quote right from xmwx site.
Trusted Weather Sources
WxWorx, an affiliate of Baron Services (the nation’s leading provider of analytical weather services to the TV Broadcast and emergency management industries), is the provider of the location-specific weather data and groundbreaking, patented technology powering the XM WX Weather data service. All weather data is collected from well-established government (e.g., the National Weather Service, U.S. Navy) and private sources. This same information is used today by television stations across the U.S. providing weather information to over 235 million people.
Granted, obviously not exclusive data from NWS, but it would seem that some of their data does originate from NWS.
What other choices are there?
Cell phone, wifi, are probably the main choices aside from something like wxworx.
Some folks use cell phone modems, which are slow, and when you're spotting/chasing out in the country, you may not have any data at all.
I looked at WA4DSY's web page featuring an RF 56K modem. Some of the equipment investment is about as much as the WXWORX solution, but there obviously is no monthly fee associated with it. Could such a system allow you to access your home DSL/cable connection over the ham bands and grab the NWS imagery and data? Is this possible? Is it reasonable?
Not sure about this one. I have no doubt that other new technology will be available in the future, but in the mean time, cell phone and wifi data is probably the cheapest route.
Some of us want to do it on the cheap, and I'm no exception. I'd like reliable solutions for data in the field, but without great expense.
I'd love to see comments!
Matthew NA5K
Trust me, I feel your pain....lol Chasing in it self is not cheap these days. Gas prices alone are a killer, not to mention overnight expenses etc. Cell Phone and wifi type setups offer a decent means of data while in the field. Its not full time data, but is enough to get you in a good chasable area for the day. I have chased without any data in the field and still made some storms worth seeing. On days where things go as forecast, this is usually not a problem, but as we all know weather has a way of changing from minute to minute. Probably the best advice is, chase within your means. If you cannot afford wxworx, use a cell phone or wifi setup, if you can't afford cell/wifi, then do your best before leaving home to make a good forecast, and make data stops at libraries etc. It can be done! For the most part, I believe (self included) most chasers today are fairly spoiled with the ease at which we are able to receive data in the field. Personally I don't suffer from this....I enjoy every minute of it,
but thats me. I do however have a great appreciation for storm chasers of old, who did it with virtually no data in the field. Good forecast, and good use of eyes and instincts once out there.
Just use the tools you have at the moment and save for the future. "Reliable and cheap" is possible, but unfortunately there are always limitations to deal with.