Good day all,
I have learned alot up until today on what and what not to post. My major mistakes were posting some personal instances as well as some non-weather related topics. Many I had great imput on, but recently, I received snarling and objective remarks, some down right flaming in the past couple of months.
I noticed this (not only with me, but with MANY others), especially in the "Bar and Grill" area. I am not talking about comments like "LOL that's crazy" or such, but some really pointing and directing remarks such as "don't get too close or you'll die, moron" kind of comments ... That's just not nice, period.
To name a few threads, the "I'm inside the tornado" thread had a lot of these. In my case, in the "Bar and Grill", I posted a really well-done link to a "theme parks" mixdown video ... One comment was "don't bring cameras on a roller coaster" with the word "Moron" in it - I see that last word gone, so I guess the mods removed it / infractions issued.
After that, I refrained from posting ANYTHING not connected to weather, maybe a nature picture or two (such as Niagara Falls, Mountains, etc), but that's about it. I almost posted a link with a video from a 24,000 foot skydive, but after the "theme park" remarks, I decided it was NOT a good idea. Oh well.
I will continue to post threads related to the tropics and weather forcasting / reports, as that is the main drive for storm track. Speaking of forcast threads, the forcast thread for "10/01 in Kansas" had some bickering remarks, one person flaming another for misuse of the GFS model too far out, which wasted many threads trying to justify it ... The forcasting section is for OPINIONS too, and no forcast is perfect, GFS or a professional met seeing the RUC the same day!
2009 has not been a good year for many of us. May was ridged during the second half, and there was no "fall season" so far. Even worse, the tropics were just the opposite, with plains-like shear quelling any chase prospects in the atlantic basin. Sometimes I feel this might have placed many "on edge" as well.
Lets all not make it worse by excessive attitude and remarks.
There are a few, however, who had a good year (those lucky enough to get out in mid June 2009 and / or chase typhoons in the west Pacific). I sometimes made some positive remarks, and jokes about the typhoon chases ... One of which stated the words "Asian action" ... Someone came back and threw up me being arrested / detained in Canada about that. Not cool ... But from now on I'll say "West Pacific typhoon action" instead of "Asian action" - My bad.
In terms of Moderators, that is a tough job. I understand they (the mods) are doing their best, and we all appreciate it. There are also a lot of newbies and especially young folks on ST who may not know (or take) the rules seriously yet as well.
My only suggestion is that if you make a comment, be careful. If someone flames you for using the "GFS more than 48 hours out" or such ... And you find it offensive, click the little "!" triangle and report it to the mods!