Laplacian of temperature advection? Another name?,

Are you asking for how to find the appropriate variable that represents the Laplacian of temperature advection in the software, or are you asking what the "Laplacian of temperature advection" means? I can help answer my second question, but I cannot answer my first one since I don't use those software packages.

Thanks. Yes I was asking if it goes by a different name on those programs. Trying to find it. It could be called something else.

In GEMPAK, it's LAP(whatever variable) so to do Laplacian of temperature advection, you would use the syntax:


for the Laplacian of temperature (degrees C) advection by the total wind.
In GEMPAK, it's LAP(whatever variable) so to do Laplacian of temperature advection, you would use the syntax:


for the Laplacian of temperature (degrees C) advection by the total wind.
Thanks. So far I have not found that in my listings of options on the different model runs. I will ask Rdale and also keep looking. Thanks.

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but while we're on the subject of GEMPAK, can anyone give me any insight as to how PBL heights are deteremined? I have been using NARR data to plot HPBL but I am unsure how these calculations are made or how valid the output actually is.

If anyone could help me out or get me started in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it!
