Interesting development in SE China (ended)

I took a bike trip through Guangdong and Guangzhou some years ago. I can vouch that when it storms there, it really storms! Not prime chase country -- that's for sure. The roads through the mountains were something else....
Originally posted by David Wolfson
I took a bike trip through Guangdong and Guangzhou some years ago. I can vouch that when it storms there, it really storms! Not prime chase country -- that's for sure. The roads through the mountains were something else....

Yes, definitely a bad place for chasing. However now they built a lot brand new Highways across all the province, I am trying to study a map to see whether it can be suitable.

However, the "probable" supercell of yesterday spawned a tornado and a hailstorm in the area, get from the news last night. About 430 houses destroyed (so they said) and I saw many very large tropical trees break in the middle. I guess F1/F2 ? The hail was about 2 inches, guessed from the holes in roof of some houses....

If I find some web pictures I'll post them.

I lose the count of the supercells that exploded today !!!!! :shock:

Very strong sfc flow (some HK stations are reporting GALE force winds, up to 35 kts) and dew-point well established into the 25°C.

Here some of the latest radar shots:

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The sfc deep low pressure system is dropping southeast, right to my W-NW. ... Strong showers are also coming in from the south (sea) and bringing more unstable air mass to the convergence line:

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Surface map:

This more than suspect cell completely crossed a big city, QINQYUAN, the city of the sounding...........

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Tonight I'll check the news again.

Anyway, that sounds like a lot of destruction from that tornado. I hope that injury and death were minimal to zilch, but I suspect that if 2 inch hail is putting holes in the roofs, that there is probably not a lot of confidence in the structure of the buildings unfortunately.

Definitely poorly constructed buildings in the country side. :?
