Impeding traffic flow - what to do

I havent had any problems with people blocking traffic flow while chasing other then just stopping at stop lights and what not. Usually theres only one thing to do when the traffic flow is stopped up or some dick is in the road and that is wait. Weve all been stuck behind assholes before, but theres really nothing you can do about it. I dont know how anyone could get away with "ramming" folks off the road. Im sure it would be convienient, but really it sounds like something only an asshole would do. Im not calling anyone in particular an asshole, but in the case of a tornado bearing down on you. If you rammed some poor old confused guy off into a ditch and then left him there alone to get sucked up and die, that would be pretty raw. I guess if you were a cop or something it would be okay, but being a cop allows you to break laws and ethical values anyway so i dont know.

If you can get away with it im all for it. I personally wouldent ever try it though, i probably would never get out of jail again. I can definatly see the practical use in ramming a stalled car off the road that is blocking an exit route. In that case, im all for it. I just dont know where i stand on ramming a confused and already terrified motorist. I will say this though, if a strong/violent tornado was bearing down on me, i would not be opposed to kicking down someones door and running inside to substantial shelter. Especially in the case of a direct tornado impact with a strong storm that would probably come close to leveling the structure anyway. I would knock and ask to be let in first, but if no one answered and it came down to being caught outside or being in a substantial stucture, you bet your ass i would kick a door in.
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I know (or really, really hope) that this thread is tongue-in-cheek.

Nevertheless, everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that a blocked driver could simply drive around another vehicle, either on the left or right, in every situation brought up except an overpass. Wouldn't it make more logical sense to drive around someone rather than physically force them off the road?

When trapped at an overpass, a person's options diminish. Nevertheless, I can't possibly see ramming another person to escape being trapped at an overpass. How about asking or even demanding that the offender move from the roadway to allow you to pass? If the tornado is so close that ramming is the only option to get on down the road, then you're totally screwed anyway.

Yeah, it's a funny thread, but I worry after reading this thread that some of you actually believe that vehicle collisions are acceptable solutions to impeded travel. Say it ain't so.
First off, ramming vehicle to get out of the way of a "violent wedge" is too specific a question; it should be what is the most drastic way out of a precarious and dangerous situation that one my take. If ramming another vehicle is the solution then take it, and record it with a camera.
Secondly, an experience chaser should not be in that position anyway, he or she should know better than get into the path of a tornado under any circumstances. The whole trend of "how close can we get this time" is worrisome. So all the talk of ramming vehicles, going in the grass, etc, etc, should never have to happen anyways. Responsibility for everyone's safety out there is key.
As for any Destination X's, yes the huge amount of traffic with tours, research, and tv shows is a problem, at least in May and June. I hope to make a few trips out to the plains this summer, but I also have been floating the idea of chasing areas that really are not so bad such as northern IN, OH, and southern MI. Also maybe southern Ontario later on.
Just a couple thoughts...

(1) After reading through this thread, I'd be willing to bet dollars to dimes about half of you would react differently in the real-time situation from what you wrote.

(2) I just don't see the problem with the numbers like so many of you do. I think it's because in the years since the chaser population exploded, more and more people have been trying to get into the tornadoes. Five years ago everyone was five miles back while a daring few were trying to become it's the opposite. I've never changed my "style" of chasing, just watched a lot of other people change theirs....which takes more and more people each year further away from where I am and closer to the tornado. I figure in another few years, I'll have the 2-5 mile range all to myself, and I'll get unique shots of the tornadoes 2000 other sets of eyes are watching along with me.

(3) It's easy to be invisible out there if you want to be. It's easy to blend in. And it's easy to negotiate a lot of chaser traffic without issue. IMO, it's no different than driving in city traffic, which has always been a breeze for me. I think topics like VORTEX2 and all of that are just fodder to keep us going until the next chase. I mean really, how many of you are gonna stay home once they're out there? How many of you are gonna drive 100 miles away from the best tornado target just to "have it all to yourself"? Other people don't matter out there, just the tornado, my vidcam, and me. It's easy to keep away from the hordes, all you need is about 10 feet either side of your tripod :cool:
Secondly, an experience chaser should not be in that position anyway, he or she should know better than get into the path of a tornado under any circumstances.

That has to be the most common sense thing said in this thread. And it's your first post!
The worst thing we ran into last year was cars parked sideways along a highway fulling blocking access to a connecting gravel road. Coming off a gravel road in the RFD south of WaKeeney on May 22, we could have simply crossed 283 and kept going east about a mile or two to get out of it, but a car was parked sideways blocking access to the gravel road east bound. So we got on 283 going north for a half-mile or so creeping though the blinding rain/hail/wind right as dark fell, and ended up taking the next gravel road going east. We were out of it in about half a mile.

Lots of talk about Vortex2, but won't Vortex2 just be combining several college groups that would be out there independently anyway? In other words, Colorado and Penn State and Texas Tech and Oklahoma and the others will all be trying to position around one supercell, rather than scattered out on different ones.
Looks to me that many of you are willing to wreck/crash another car, well, that sounds like a wussy way of running home to Mamma, because you're scared of the 'big bad tornado'. Maybe you should be a MAN (no offense to the females) and lie in ditch and possibly get some awesome video.

Non taken. personally, I'd never do it. I"ve been out there on the plains after those creatures at least part-time since the late 1970s and never once been in a position where I'd have to think about it. I was only smarting off. :D
"If a vehicle is impeding the flow of traffic to the point where lives are endangered, any means necessary can be used to remove the vehicle."

TornadoVideosdotnet posted a video of the Kirksville, MO tornado on YouTube. Perhaps relavent to this discussion, or at the very least an example of too many cars blocking each other in.

Steve Stück
I guess part of this thread is down to just how much a chaser thinks they 'need' to be close to the tornado. Personally I think you get much better video a couple of miles away, with a stable/tripoded shot...scientifically you can get a grasp of the overall structure, and you don't have to risk life and limb haring down mud tracks! Just my personal view, but there seems to be some pretty pointless risks being taken in recent years, for shots that are not always very good.
After running into VORTEX yesterday, I really don't think it is much of an issue, at least with VORTEX alone. They are so spread out, I think the concerns are unfounded. Some of this might be from seeing the compete armada as it heads to a location. If there are issues, it will be with some of the inexperienced media crews that are tagging along. Regardless, after Friday we all get a week to relax, if not longer.
