As I give the two photos another of many look-overs, I suspect you're right that they're taken from the same location, Kurt. I know that at first glance, this seems blazingly apparent, but as I continued to look, I began finding inconsistencies that really bugged me--for instance, the white sign at the end of the driveway that's in one picture but not the other, or the small tree in foreground of one photo that I can't find in the other, or the fence that appears clearly in the background of one photo but that I can't find in the other...things I have a hard time attributing to a simple difference in perspective. Having just consulted the original PDFs, I still face that same conundrum. I get this weird feeling that I'm dealing with one of those children's puzzles where the instruction reads, "Find the differences between the two pictures." You know the kind: the woman's hat has a feather in this picture but not in that one, in this one there's a tricycle in the drive, but in this one there's a bicycle...
But that's how my brain works. Realistically, my mind tells me it's the same location since the same photographer took both shots. But I also know he gave different, albeit nearby, locations to the funnels, which I attribute to the fact that he's shooting from a distance and the storm has clearly progressed.
BTW, in all my noticing, I never noticed what appears to be a second funnel, but by golly, I see what you're talking about. I'm not sure what the heck that is, and you could well be right. Good analysis.
This is a stumper, and probably more an item of interest than a good puzzle subject. If a few more folks lean in and don't get it, I'll toss in a major clue or maybe just give it away.