As Amos, David, etc, could testify, there were some incredible supercells in the plains this year. Unfortunately, they were very few and far between. The past week has been pretty good, as there have been 1 or 2 awesome supercells pretty much every day. However, if you weren't on those storms, there wasn't much to see. Yesterday was awesome if you were on the southern storm, but I don't know of anyone who target that area that far southwest (east of Lubbock). For me, it was a battle between waiting as long as possible in the much better tornado environment near CDS (very strong low-level shear there, while the shear east of LBB was much weaker owing to poor low-level flow), and facing reality that north Texas was not going to light up. More often than not, the southern storm takes the cake, and that was indeed the case yesterday. The storm turned hard right, which signficantly increased its SRH enough to produce large tornado(es). I needed to face reality earlier than I did and should have hit up the tail-end charlie with the rest of the folks. I'm just frustrated that I happened to be on the wrong storm nearly every chase...