Since I am not a meteorologist, and have a full time job, I don't do a forcast for every day. WHEN I see the SPC showing something interesting within my personal range (Texas/Oklahoma/Kansas/Arkansas), I then start doing my VERY CRUDE forcasting. I use different web resourses to look at all the data and try to figure out WHERE within that giant "slight" I think something will happen. How strong will it be, and when will it happen.
I am a -complete- hackjob amature, but I put real effort into learning. I do "couch chasing" where I work up what I would be doing IF I could be in the field, then see how I did as the days unfold. To me, that is a fun part of the hobby.
Once storms begin to fire, I'm pretty good at figuring out which storms will go severe and how to intercept them. My REAL weak point is morning of pre-positioning. When I check the data after the 8:30am SPC update, my lack of knowledge/schooling/training/?????, means I have low confidence that I am picking the right location to set up for the day. This past season (2010), I had a lot of success in this, but I believe it was 20% me, and 80% blind luck. I hope next season to push this to 25% me, 75% luck!