Adam Lucio
just getting up and going to work every day and not getting to chase much at all, made me realize that everything else I have outside of chasing is worthless without chasing.
We have a nice apartment. I have a good job. We can pay our bills. We can eat. We have friends. We have family. We (now) have a nice car. But none of it matters if I can't do the one thing I love more than anything in the Universe: chase tornadoes. Everything Dan realized wasn't worth giving up (to him) to be able to chase, I realized means nothing to me if I can't chase. I'm just not wired like most people. Life itself is a gift for which I'm eternally grateful, but if I can't do what I want with it, it's meaningless. Getting up and going to work and being a responsible citizen isn't living for me, it's merely existing.
This year was the darkest time of my life because I was just another working-class schmuck who did nothing but get up and go to work. For some people that's a happy life, but not for me. I don't mind being a working class schmuck, as long as I can live my dream too. I've been in both places: dirt poor, single, crap job, no home, sleeping on friends' couches, but chasing. I've had a great apartment, nice car, amazing gf, great job, bills paid, food in the fridge, but unable to chase. I was so much happier during the former.
Everything that everyone spends their life working for, I'd give up in a heartbeat, if having it all kept me from chasing tornadoes. That's why I'm here, to chase tornadoes. Everything else is just details.
Wow Shane, I couldn't describe myself any better than those words right there. I feel the exact same way, 100% I think thats why I always like reading your posts, because I relate to them in a big way. Nothing else in life gives me as much fulfillment as when I am out there chasing. I once had the good job in downtown, lots of overtime, I was spoiling myself with stuff I didn't need [summer home, fancy stereo, big TV, was 2 paychecks away from buying a boat before I ironically got laid off] but despite having all those things, and living the "american dream" that everyone strives for, I was miserable, because half the time I sat at work and watched what I was missing.
Sort of a tangent post, but nothing hurts me more than missing chase ops, I have a decent amount of freedom and chase-ability to chase most of what I want to, but still not ALL that I want, and I will continue to find a way to make that happen. It pains me to see people not being able to pursue what they love because life kicks them in the teeth, and I have that much more respect for people who deal with, and overcome hardships to make their dreams a reality than those who can simply just do it because they have rich parents spoon feeding them resources.