High Voltage Megawatt Gallery #2

Hi there!

I'm a fresh (german) member of this beautiful storm forum. My first posting should be a simple addition to this nice thread. ;)

Powerful flash:

Intracloud lightning illuminates a cumulonimbus:

Rollcloud of MCS moving fast, intracloud and cg strikes lights up the scene (typical central german lanscape):

I hope you like it...

Wow, very nice, high quality images Christian! I like the one with the city lights the best.
Wow! :shock:
VERY nice stuff, guys!

William, your "Close to Space" is simply sublime.

I really like Christian's 2nd picture too. The massive, billowing red clouds reluctantly leaking a tiny sliver of lightning suggests immense power hidden within. 8)

(Canon T90, 20mm glass, and "vintage" photochemical film!)

Polaris and Ursa Minor swirl above a small midnight storm, while the Great Bear shyly conceals himself behind it.

I've always wanted to get a shot like this. If only I could have arranged to have the north celestial pole directly over the storm.... Maybe next year!

Many thanks to Susan Strom for sharing one of her 'secret' vantage points in Fountain Hills.

No, the storm was very obliging and was moving VERY slowly. (You can see blurr in the foreground clouds.) I think the total exposure time was somewhere around 6 minutes. Taking two concurrent exposures, one from a fixed tripod, and one from a star-tracking platform, and then layering them together, would be fun though.

<thread detour>
Doing so would make for an ethicaly 'interesting' situation. I'm not big on cut-and-paste 'photography' and generaly limit my image 'hacking' to touching up negative flaws, color correction (film color shift, and scanner shortcomings), tweaking the luminance curve, and occasionaly applying a modest amount of burn/dodge in selected areas. Using two cameras to photograph different aspects of the same subject at the same time would have to be OK in my book, so long as the exposure times closely coincided.

Greg.....that is simply just amazing! A beautiful shot to say the least. Mike U. has an awesome lightning shot that is also done with a very long exposure similar to yours that you would probably be interested in checking out as well. Everyone else has great shots too. Well done all!
