High Voltage Megawatt Gallery #2

Mar 18, 2004
Lawrence, KS
Since the first gallery was so successful I thought would start version #2.

Here are the two best that I captured, practically right in my own backyard (right here on Cape Cod!), and, surprisingly, both on the same night.

Both shot with a Nikon D70 with the 18-70mm outfit lens.

55mm, f/5.6, 30 sec.

70mm, f/4.5, 20 sec.
These are approximately four-minute exposures from the Fort Supply, Oklahoma lightningfest on June 11, 2005. My right front tire is slowly losing air at this time, and I eventually had to change a tire on the side of the road in this.


Interestingly enough, this was the only time I have successfully shot 35mm stills of lightning during the entire 2005 season. I have had exactly one roll of film developed this year. Times have definately changed in my chasing world. I used to be going through 20+ rolls per season with a dozen or so good lightning photo nights.

I really don't try to shoot lightning. Usually I'm just wanting to get back home. But if the structure is nice and it comes along with that, then, well I guess I'm all for it.
Tonight, believe it or not, here at the coast of California, we had lightning!!!! I usually only see maybe 3 storm a year here, which is sad. But i did manage to make my second ever attempt at photographing some bolts over water...they came out O.K.
Edit..Images at www.khristian.com
Sticking with the "over water" theme, here is a shot I got night before last (Sunday, September 18, 2005) looking across Dunlap Lake in Edwardsville, IL:


Taken with Canon Digital Rebel, 18mm, F5.6, 12 seconds.
Sweet pics Khristian. The sharpness, tone and color seem to be perfect on those. What camera were they taken with?
Out of all the chasing I done this year, I didn't really shoot much lightning... A lot of times because I'm so burnt out from the day earlier (especially if it was a SUCCESS) that I'm just too tired to even get out the camera :lol:

<img src=http://midwestchase.com/13-May-2005/tn_13-May-2005-15.jpg>
5/13/05 near Throckmorton, TX
Originally posted by Mike Hollingshead
Sweet pics Khristian. The sharpness, tone and color seem to be perfect on those. What camera were they taken with?
Thanks, its my second time photographing lightning. I have a Nikon coolpix 8800. I just set it to infinity and an aperture around 4 or so and did a lot of 30 second exposures.
Hey everybody
This is my first time posting pics on the forum. I finally just took the time and got registered on Photobucket.
Well, back on September 9th, an intense little thunderstorm developed about 20 miles to my southeast, near Brush, Colorado. I set up my Kodak DX6490 digital camera on my tripod, turned it to Night setting, implemented the Burst mode, pointed the camera in the general direction of the storm and pressed the shutter button down. These trio of photos were the best ones of the night and my best lightning pics of the summer and of my life(thus far) taken over a period of five intense minutes:



I thought they were pretty sweet. The first one is now the wallpaper on my desktop.
I swear there is nothing more awe inspiring and spectacular than a late night lightning storm on the High Plains of Colorado. Even the smallest storms around here are always highly electrical. The supercells are phenomenal in terms of lightning production. Maybe our low relative humidity charges the atmosphere up or something... hmm.