Help please - Vista, Delorme, GR3 and SN - Grrrrr

HA!!! Now, isn't that funny.

Couldn't get GpsGate to acknowledge GPS. Exited DeLorme emulator, exited GR3, still had the 'red' GpsGate down in toolbar.

Decided, what the hay, try one more time before heading to bed.

Clicked on DeLorme emulator, it picked it up immediately, but wait, GpsGate icon changed, it is now green! Check it, sure enough there's the GPS. Check GR3, start GPS in it, look, it works! Could this be possible?

Tried it in SN - holy cow, it connected there too!

I don't what did it, but between everything everyone said to do - it's up and running.

Thank you!! :D
Christine, retrace your steps.
Somethings gotta give - patience or frustration...
I'm glad for you that had it working once before; of course that means you've got to be getting close.
Familiarity and patience - HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!
I'll probably be using this exact same group of programs on my new laptop (vista-64) next year. Scary. Hopefully the 64-bit doesn't add even more problems...
I'll probably be using this exact same group of programs on my new laptop (vista-64) next year. Scary. Hopefully the 64-bit doesn't add even more problems...

Don't worry.... It will. Sony has in nice bold print on their drivers site that "they won't support 64-bit" for drivers, etc. I've read many accounts of people not able to get their laptop to recognize their camcorder.

Equipment makers are being very slow to write 64 bit drivers for their peripherals. It's going to be interesting for probably the next 6-months to a year until 64-bit gets enough of a foothold so they have to recognize it.

GR3 should run fine as long as the graphics drivers are there and decently written for your card (get ATI or nVidia graphics) and SN runs on Vista 64 fine, so Delorme will be the weak link.
"...Equipment makers are being very slow to write 64 bit drivers for their peripherals. It's going to be interesting for probably the next 6-months to a year until 64-bit gets enough of a foothold so they have to recognize it..." -John Wetter

That is a welcome thing for me, as I use Xp 64 Pro on my monster PC. Although there are many more drivers written for it and runs flawlessly in combination with the Chrome browser. Then the Adobe Flashplayer works - too. Overall, it is superb - despite being the 64 version. It isn't supposed to run Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 - but it does so - and well. But it won't load Canon's DPP software. PSP X2 is enough and is!

But I have a copy of Vista 64 too, and I find that it is so faulty that it won't run more than a month or two on my other monster PC then just craps out - refuses to boot. The other Vista copy (non-64) just has sooo much 'protection' built into it that it protects the Administrator/User from getting anything done. The learning curve for Vista isn't necessarily harder, just more cryptic. Familiarity and adding Service Pack 2 hopefully will end present and major/future dilemmas. I must admit that when I bought Vista 64 I was optimistic and hopeful; now dashed and waiting for rennoation...

It appears that when Microsoft wrote Vista, they were under too much pressure to produce an OS that was invulnerable to virus/trojans. Which is, a contradiction in function - BTW. But ultimately created more dilemma then fixes. Personally, I hope it is not fatally flawed so badly the Service Pack 2 can set it right. I think you stand a much better chance with Vista than Vista 64; but Xp/Xp 64 still rules the day as far as a dependable/trouble-free OS goes. But even Xp 64's time will end - if/when they get Vista set right. BTW - Xp 64 is virtually Windows 2003 Server; you can put far more than 4Gb of RAM and is UNBELIEVABLY FAAAST! Xp 64 isn't as pricey as 2003 Server either; but may be hard to find at this point in time.
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