Delorme LT (USB) & Windows 7 (64 Bit)?

Good day all,

...I upgraded to the new Delorme 2010 on a Windows 7 64 bit system. Now i see that Delorme Serial Emulator will not work on 64 bit systems. ...

This is EXACTLY what happened with myself. I tried to install the Delorme serial emulator and was greeted with "cannot install on an OS thats not 32 bits".

My route was the easiest, although not the cheapest way to to. I got the BT-20 (bluetooth GPS) puck from Delorme, and used it with my existing bluetooth interface on the 64-but (Windows 7) Vaio laptop.

Here are some notes: The bluetooth emulator usually assigns a COMM port, usually COMM40 when finding the GPS (BT-20). If you are using GRLevelX, that program will NOT recognize a high number COMM port, so you may want to set the default COMM port to a lower number (COMM 4, COMM 5, etc) when setting up the BT GPS.

Also, GRLevelX can read DIRECTLY from the COMM port assigned by the GPS, as can Delorme, Spotter Network, etc. If you are using ONLY ONE application at a time, this is it, you are done.

If you plan to run MULTIPLE GPS applications, then you need to get a GPS SPLITTER, such as GPSGate. Basically, you set the "input" to GPSGate to the COMM40 (or COMM 4, etc) of the GPS bluetooth, and the "output" to a VIRTUAL COMM port, as many as you want. Set Delorme to use one, GRLevelX to another, and Spotter Network, etc to another, and so on. That's what worked for me.

GPSGate has 2 versions of their product ( One is the "standard" and the other the "express". The express is $14 and can allow 2 splits of your GPS signal. The "standard" is about $40, and is unlimited (I went with the Standard).

Mark Blue in this thread was paramount in helping me resolve these issues. As for the GPS BT-20 from Delorme, that was a $99 part, but I got it for HALF price, thanks to a promotion Mark PM'd me.

Also, a note on Delorme's serial emulator ... It is a PAIN in the --- to setup, and is very flakey. You have to have two programs in your system tray / startup, and it nags you with messages and / or constantly drops the GPS signal. The GPSGate is very stable, and "silently" works as soon as you connect the GPS, with no re-configuring and all that (hopefully while not in the "bear's cage) ;-)

Also, GPS gate works with many USB GPS (except Delorme LT-40 and their USB line, unfortunately). I reccommend the BT-20 for Delorme, but if you can get a cheaper (Garmin for example) USB puck that IS compatible with GPSGate, than you can go with that.

Make sure the GPS puck (BT or USB) is compatible with GPSGate. If so, get the (cheaper) USB puck, and get GPSGate "express" ... This combo can be had for under $50.
Hey Gerard,

If you follow through this thread from start to finish there are options here to help you resolve your issue. Chris pretty much summed it up and previous links and threads from last year have been posted here to address this subject about as thoroughly as is possible. If you are interested in buying the BT-20 receiver I can send you a discount code via PM like I did for Chris, but the promotion ends Monday on the Delorme online store so let me know this weekend. If I were you I'd look into getting the Globalsat model for $23.00 and then buying GPSGate for the full price so you have the unlimited ability to split your signal. Just an FYI, once you own the full version of GPSGate, upgrading thereafter is really cheap, something like $12.00 IIRC. I think buying another receiver might be your best option since you already own Delorme SA2010, as the offer I mentioned is for the BT-20 puck plus SA2010 Plus. I'm not really sure you would need two copies of the software. The Delorme Serial Emulator is a POS end of story, as there aren't very many people that have anything good to say about that crapware.

I was able to download the windows 7 64 bit driver update for the BU-353 receiver from Globalsat's website ive tried every which way i know how to install it. Does anyone know how i can go about doing this?

Edit: I'm having a mess of problems, i had to install the driver for Vista that came on the CD. The receiver only works for Delorme SA 2010 when I select "generic NMEA" and "com 3" in the GPS settings tabs. com 3 is the only com port option. I installed GPS Gate but i cant get it to run virtual com ports so that i can outsource the data to GRX or Spotter Network or SA 2010. Ive tried multiple settings to try to get it to work but i cant get it. No setting other than Com 3 works as an input device, and as outputs, i tried doing several different virtual com ports (other than com 3) which would seem to work but keep showing up as "Failed to create virtual serial port". Dare i say it but I actually have had better success with Delorme serial emulator working than this. Can someone please tell me what the heck to do?
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Let's try to take one step at a time here. If I'm talking too simplistic let me know as it isn't intended to be anything other than helpful, but I'm not sure of your comfort level with computers so I'm trying to break it down to basic steps. It sounds like you are having trouble installing the correct driver on your machine, which is the first step in getting out of trouble. The first thing you want to do is download the Zip file from the Globalsat website here:

Store this file in a location you can find later (Desktop, My Documents, etc.), then unzip it in a folder where you can work with it. Once you unzip the file there should be an executable in the "windows all in one folder" called PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v110.exe. Just double click the .exe file and the executable will know you are on Windows 7 64 bit and should install and/or update to the correct driver.

I would then reboot your machine after the driver install, even if not prompted to do so. Once you've rebooted go into Device Manager and ensure that the GPS receiver and/or puck is installed and doesn't have any yellow exclamation points or red X's next to it. Let us know where you are once this step is complete.

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Step one completed. I'm fairly computer savy. When i first tried to install the win 7 64 drivers for the GPS receiver, i went into device manager and tried to update the drivers in there but it didn't recognize the file i got from their website as a valid driver file for some reason. The file it says to download is an unknown file type. Its not like its an application file or anything that you can run and it will install the driver.

And again i want to mention that the new receiver did work just fine (using the Vista 64 Driver that came on the original disc) in Delorme SA 2010 as "Com 3" without the use of GPSGate. The issue now is getting GPS gate to create the virtual COM ports so that i can select different com ports as the GPS data source in the various applications (GR-X, Spotter Network,).

Thanks a ton for the help guys, i really appreciate it. :-)

UPDATE: I tried again with the re installation file you gave me mark. Again everything works well in SA. And i even get an input connection in GPSGate. In the input tab its green with "Running OK" and "GPS data with valid position". The input is now running on COM 5 since i tried changing to a different COM port in device manager to see if that helped at all.

However its the output that's the trouble. I still cant get any virtual com ports to work. I've tried COMs 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 They all say "Failed to crate virtual serial port" The only one in the output that says "running OK" is the "GPSGate Direct". So I'm still really confused.
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At this point it sounds like the puck is communicating with GPSGate so that's a good thing. IIRC this problem has cropped up on me a couple of times way back when and with others I've tried to help (Stephen Locke, Mikey Gribble), but I cannot remember the definitive solution as it's been awhile. This is what I'd do based on where you are.

This step is optional but may prove fruitful. For some odd reason I had different results with GPSGate when I would install it selecting the radio button for "Install For All Users" versus "Install Only For This User". It wouldn't work when I selected the latter even though I'm the only user on my laptop with an account. That could have been a quirk with my Vista OS, but it may pay off if you were to uninstall and reinstall GPSGate selecting that particular option.

This is definitely a critical step and would be the first thing I'd do. The one huge thing to check is the installation of the 64 bit driver per Franson's instructions here:

Another step that may help is to delete the Instances Folder per this post:

This folder may reside in another location in Windows 7, so if it does it will probably be under your Documents Folder\All Users or under your particular user folder in the Local Settings\Application Data (this is XP, but look for the equivalent in Windows 7). I don't have Vista or Windows 7 (wife's laptop) booted up right now so I can't recall the exact name of the path or folder, but the above should get you there if you are a savvy user.

Let me know from Device Manager what entries you have under LPT and COM Ports, especially for your USGlobal Puck so I know what COM Port is assigned for your incoming signal.

The only thing i have under "Ports (LPT and COM) in device manager" is "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM 5)". I don't have anything in the list specifically for USGlobal Puck but the entry that's there looks like the one because it disappears when i unplug the GPS receiver.

IIRC, I Installed GPS Gate for all users. I normally do this so I can access all programs easily if i decide to create a second user account in Windows for whatever reason.

I'm glad to hear you are up and running! I hope all three of your apps are able to receive a signal from GPSGate and that you have a successful chase season this upcoming year. The listing you have in Device Manager is exactly what should be there so I'm glad to see that.

I'm in the same situation now. I upgraded to a 64 bit / Windows 7 laptop and want to get Delorme Street Atlas 2009 running again. It sounds like all I need to do is purchase GPSgate, buy the GlobalSat BU-353 GPS puck, install the proper driver (anyone have a direct link?) and congfigure it all?

Sound right? Just wanna be sure before I buy the incorrect items.
I'm in the same situation now. I upgraded to a 64 bit / Windows 7 laptop and want to get Delorme Street Atlas 2009 running again. It sounds like all I need to do is purchase GPSgate, buy the GlobalSat BU-353 GPS puck, install the proper driver (anyone have a direct link?) and congfigure it all?

Sound right? Just wanna be sure before I buy the incorrect items.

Thats exactly what I did when I moved to a 64 bit Windows 7 machine, I purchased the GlobalSat BU-353 along with GPSgate and haven't looked back. Zero problems yet this year.
Please chime back in once you do the install Jason. I've seen more problems than you can shake a stick at with setting this up, so let us know once you get there and I'll lend a hand however I can.

What apps are you going to split your GPS signal to? I presume GRL3, Street Atlas, and perhaps another app or two?