How come you don't see dual wheeled trucks at the road ralleys. Seems Subaru WRX rule there. Now of course they're going about 100mph on a muddy road. Which... is totally insane. Which is why I love to watch them on the YouTubes, but I myself would not like to go 100 on a muddy road in my Subaru, because, well, that'd be insane!
I don't think large trucks are safer. I think they just look more impressive on TV. The only reason to have one is if the herd of 200 cars is going so slow, you'd be forced to take a muddy side road or field. AKA May 5, 2010 south of Wakita. But 1) That's a real long odds 2) no guarantee it will save you.
When I crest a hill on a dirt road I scoot to the right. Funny, I see many dirt roads with 3 wear ruts. The middle one is shared! Strange how this works without more head-ons. Many a times I have come up to the crest of a hill to find some other chaser flying over it dead center. Trucks, cars, TIV, w/e. So ya, I don't care if you drive a big truck or a VW bug. Just do it with some common sense, please.
I personally would love a Toyota FJ. I see the soccer moms around here in them. Worst gas milage for an SUV at 19EPA so it gets prolly 15? Which... is why I'd love one if rich. I mean think about it. Job security! Global Warming leads to more energy for tornadoes. Burning gas helps Global Warming... It's a no brainer. I even have a Freon dispenser hidden in the back bumper.
Lastly on figuring out which storms produce. Well.
Get accurate theta-e measurements all around the tornado vortex. Relay realtime to SPC. Combine about 3-4 phased array positions for a 3D wind flow. Throw it into a supercomputer, like ummm any 2gHz machine NOT running Windoze. This should get us to about a 25% predictive rate.