Help please - Vista, Delorme, GR3 and SN - Grrrrr

Aug 7, 2008
Sebring, Florida
If anyone is online that can help - please, take pity on me.

I've searched the threads, found out what others have done to get the following combination to work - together - I've tried it for last 3 hours and am ready throw it all through a window.

Using Vista platform (please, no comments on how bad Vista is - it's what I have to use), DeLorme SA 2009 with LT-40 puck, GR3 and Spotter Network. And yes, I have the DeLorme emulator downloaded.

Have changed ports, have opened everything in different order (according to different posts I found), have changed the baud rate (per another post), have set it to run under administrator (and restarted everything) per a different post, and more.

Someone help meeeeeeeeeeeee. This is crazy, I don't normally consider myself to be dense, but geez louise.

1) Make sure the Serial Emulator is in your start-up fille.

2) Set all of your settings back to the way they were - just so that we can start from the beginning.

3) Plug the Gps puck into the USB port, make sure that the puck has no obstruction from the sky.

4) Restart youur computer.

Now: after you have done these things - open GR3
Yes - hit 'GO'

If it isn't showing up on GR3, then Vista will want demand Administrator rights. (BTW-I hate Vista-but that's neither here or there)

You may have to restart and go thru the Administrator mucky-muck.

I run Xp - with NO PROBLEMS -PEROID. Doesn't help you now though.

If it fails to work, I'm spent to take it to another step.

I know people who have Vista and run DeLorme; if the DeLorme Serial emulator won't work despite protocol actions - try the Franson GPSgate. It's has a free 20-day trial period, some people have said their Vista problems go away when they use it. That would be the best shot.

If you haven't installed Microsoft's Service Pack 1 for Vista - you should do that.
It may not help, but you should put it on.
Shutting off Vista's "Defender" may help too.
Worried about virus/trojans? Try AVG free virus software from MajorGeeks or AVG site.
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